Imagine Trump repeating the claim that if his administration did nothing there would be more than two million deaths. What sense does that make?Would there ever be any possibility that the leader of the United States whoever that was would do nothing? Is there any leader in a first world country who would stand back…
April 3 – Late Night Thoughts
Seems to me that what I recommended some time ago and to which a great objection was made by some that it would be wise to wear masks to minimize the transmission of Convid-19 has now become the official position of the U.S. government. I also notice that many are making homemade masks which I…
Lying To Avoid Panic Brings About Many More Deaths
I always knew he felt very bad about this because he was always talking about it. My friend Freddy after having a beer or two would talk about the time when he was in his early twenties. His story went something like this: “We were over at Casey’s house – he lived on the third…
The Cruise Ship Dilemma: Do We Help Fools?
I’m an old guy. When I read about the cruise ships presently floating in the ocean waters with no ports to land in I think of the old Kingston Trio song “My Father was the Keeper of the Eddystone Light” and the words “Yo, Ho, Ho the wind blows free, Oh for the life of…
Is Biden another Hillary? Time For Someone Who Can Win
The social media is filled with disbelief and horror at the statement Joe Biden made to Sarah Haines on the program the View. He was asked: “Are you at all concerned, as President Trump said, we cannot let the cure be worse than the problem itself?” The background of Trump’s statement is that he wants…
Blaming Is Essential. Without Blaming Someone The SNAFU Continues
A friend wrote suggesting blaming does no good saying we have to get beyond that and cooperate. I agree we have to cooperate as well as we can. But cooperation can only be achieved when the willingness and ability of the others is known. You cannot cooperate without a goal in sight. You ask, “why…