Local boy Jack Kerouac son of a potato farmer said: “Whither goest thou, America, in thy shiny car in the night?” It is appropriate I think to ask Judge Joseph where does she think she will be going in the near future after the Boston U.S. attorney Andrew Lelling finishes up with her. But I…
The Prosecutor of FBI Agent John Connolly John Durham Returns:
John Durham – I first saw him at the trial of FBI agent John Connolly back in 2002. Not a tall guy but sort of on the short side but certainly his walrus type mustache was impressive. He’s the guy in his opening statement who said that John Connolly was the FBI handler for William…
Easter Sunday – Eastern Orthodox Style
Some groups never accepted the calendar named after Pope Gregory XIII, who introduced it in October 1582. This has resulted in Easter being celebrated on different Sundays. Far back In 325 A.D. the Council of Nicaea established that Easter would be held on the first Sunday after the first Full Moon occurring on or after the…
A Better And More Fair Plan Than Elizabeth Warren Offers.
At a recent Town Hall Elizabeth Warren “ proposed eliminating the student loan debts of tens of millions of Americans and making all public colleges tuition-free, . . . ” It goes something like this: “Households that make less than $100,000 a year would get $50,000 in loan cancellation, with the amount of relief getting gradually…
How America Has Fallen – The Abominations of Trump
There is an Old Testament proverb that is attributed to the Jewish King Solomon that I recall to mind each Easter Season. This season this year seems an appropriate time to set it out because rarely if ever has one man captured all the things that the Lord considers an abomination. It is from Proverbs…
James Carroll’s Wrongful Attack on Bill Bulger
I have to admit I never liked James Carroll. I never liked people who turn on their past especially the people who brought them up. I value loyalty and expect people to remain loyal to their early beliefs, family members and friends. I don’t mind if you change your mind about your beliefs, or if…