Today [January 5, 2019] the Ukrainian church gained independence. The event is a step forward in Ukraine’s ability to defend itself from Russian aggression. Religion is a major component of cultural identity in Eastern Europe, and central to the designs of Russia on Ukraine. For decades there has been an independent Ukrainian Orthodox Church in…
Vladimir Putin’s Blunder: How His Bravado Backfired And He Set A People Free
One of the nicest guys I knew growing up was Danny Sullivan who was born four months to the day after me. He lived around the corner in a three decker. We were friends. One year we played on the same Catholic Youth Organization (CYO) basketball team. We did all right. Both Danny and I…
Trump’s Russian Connection: Two Big Mysteries To Consider
One of the biggest mysteries surrounding Trump is his hiring of Paul Manafort to run his campaign. Prior to that time Manafort was known for his assistance to and closeness to Viktor Fedorovych Yanukovych who was driven from his presidency by a popular uprising of the Ukrainian people during the Maidan protests in 2014.The uprising…
Trump’s Shutdown And The Bad Idea of Having Trump As President
I’m not sure whether the shutdown that Trump created is still ongoing but if it is that means the federal workers will not receive their pay checks this Friday. That will cause a lot of people to experience inconveniences, some great and others less so. The majority of those who are affected are those in…
It’s a Tough Deal Being God: He Had Some Hard Choices To Make: Alabama or Clemson
As a kid playing sports I depended a lot on the Almighty. I knew the Lord’s Prayer, or as we called it the “Our Father” which when I prayed I intoned the words “thy will be done.” But what I really meant by that was that His will should be done only when it coincided…
The Big Money Game: Reaching into Kevin Spacey’s Pocket –
There was something that was not right about the arraignment in the Kevin Spacey case in Nantucket on the alleged assault by him on another who is the son of Heather Unruh. Since I can’t find his name I’ll call him FNU from the old days of writing affidavits for warrants which means First Name…