The Snowflakes on the Right in the Gun Debate:

I’m hoping to write up something about the shooting at the Stoneman Duglous High school but have not been able to finish it. But I’ll plod on and cover it next week. In the meantime I’ve been wondering how it is that the debates over guns has become a right and left issue.

Perhaps this is the biggest coup ever by the National Rifle Association to identify itself with the right side of the political spectrum. I’ve noticed that if someone writes something critical of the present gun laws some of the responses to him or her are that the person is a leftist. Many of these don’t stop there but call the person a “snowflake.” Now that’s a term I did not grow up with and appears of recent vintage. I wanted to find out its meaning and how it became associated with those who were unhappy with the present gun laws.

I went to the Merriam-Webster dictionary and learned the term as been applied to people in the early 1860s as those who were opposed to the abolition of slavery. In other words in today’s American patois we’d call those persons Pro-Slavery.

Then over 100 years later during the 1970s it was a derogatory term, according to the dictionary, “for white people or black people who were perceived as acting white.” That sort of threw me. I wondered “how can a white person be perceived as acting white?”  You can figure that one out.

The dictionary also mentioned as I learned in my wiretapping days that part of the word, “snow”, referred to cocaine. it did not mention that it was commonly bought with “bread”. Nor did it mention why it decided to talk about the word snow in an article on snowflake. If it wanted to be consistent it would have told us about the slang meaning off the other part of the word “flake”. Now that’s something that has been around for a long while and needs little explanation.

Merriam-Webster did give us an updated version of the meaning of the word snowflake. It is “used to describe a person perceived as overly sensitive and fragile in a mocking way.” Now that I think of it isn’t the right-wing Boston Herald columnist one that often uses that term. His popularity didn’t save his paper from going under though.

I began to wonder how the NRA people started to think that those who want to changer the gun laws are somehow not manly. (Can I say manly anymore?) Perhaps I should strike that and say the NRA members believe those who are opposed to the present gun laws are not courageous or strong. But haven’t we learned the opposite is true.

Haven’t we seen that it is actually the weak and feeble who use guns. Those who have been with me a while know how Martorano and Whitey Bulger armed themselves to give them courage. They confronted people without guns who they would not have confronted in a mano-a-mano situation. They liked to shoot them from behind.

My experience is the toughest guys I knew never carried.  They didn’t have to do this. They were aware that you don’t take fists to a gun fight but most encounters don’t require guns and they felt no need for them. (I exclude policemen who are required to carry because of their job and the  loose gun laws that often put them up against guns. Of course one of the sad requirements that police officers carry guns is they sometimes in a moment of despair use them on themselves.)

I’m not saying people who kill others with guns are “overly sensitive” since they certainly aren’t that but are self-centered. But they are “fragile” because of their need for a gun to feel tough. Perhaps then if we correctly correlate factors we should understand that guns don’t equal tough people but perhaps the opposite. Where then on what side of the political spectrum are the snowflakes?




241 thoughts on “The Snowflakes on the Right in the Gun Debate:

  1. Patty, if you’re out there reading Matt’s blog, release your inner Tanya. The Revolution needs you, again. Taking down banks. Screwing who you want. Must have been a heady experience for a bourgeois pup. Once, again, from the top, darl’in.

    All praise to the militant socialist youth. All power to the Dialectic!

  2. CNN has been broadcasting a show about Patty Hearst’s urban guerrilla experiences. Bill Harris is interviewed, at length. Well worth watching. One experiences through the first-hand accounts of participants, the visceral meaning of “militant praxis.” Abe, Bill, NC, you guys are so right. Everybody, regardless of race, religion, psychological state, and/or, political persuasion, should have the right to possess all the weapons they can accumulate. How could such a profusion of firearms not lead to a better world? Weapons are only tools. They’re like hammers, and, saws, and, flamethrowers, only noisy, but, don’t be discouraged, soon, you’ll be able to buy silencers. Oh! heavenly day, that will be.

    1. What’s your solution? The half billion guns are already in this country. Go ahead. Make my day. To sit on your arse and bitch about it seems to be your best idea. Your solution is anarchy. Any guns involved in that plan?

      And I don’t know who you are quoting but I haven’t read any of those assertions on this blog.

      When Nelson Mandela was released from prison, in his first speech he said, “We must use education as a weapon.” Why not use it as a tool? You know. Build a future. You don’t know who your enemies are so you pick everyone.

      I still want to share the planet with you, Khalid. And global warming is not a hoax, but you can’t have everything. Where would you put it?

    2. Khalid, reflect again on the Wild West . . .everyone armed . . .no laws restricted folks possessing/carrying . . .according to the book CATTLE KINGDOM, the murder rate was less than or at least no greater than NYC and other urban areas with strict or at least semi-strict gun control, and far, far, fewer folks carried in NYC in 19th Century. West of Mississippi most everyone open-carried, in holsters, strapped to horses or on buggies.

      You forget, too, before firearms, there were swords, knives and axes, and long before that clubs and stones, and the murderers by and large were bad guys or hot heads like Cain (bad to slay your brother, too) and the good guys didn’t murder but defended . . .and it didn’t matter how many weapons the good guys had . . . they weren’t felonious, hateful or conscienceless killers

      Keep the guns away from the lunatics and felons . . .strong, tough sentences for any felon over 21 carrying any gun . . .moderately tough sentences for 18-21 aged felons carrying . . .juvenile courts go hard on young felons (under 18) carrying guns . . .GET THE MESSAGE OUT . .A CRIMINAL WHO CARRIES DOES HEAVY TIME. PERIOD. If adult gets20 years, maybe the juvenile gets 5 in reform school/then softer prison. BUILD THE PRISONS/DETENTION FACILITIES . . .enhance rehabilitation programs for the rehabilitate-able . . .for the hard core, throw-away the key . .

  3. Matt does not remind us of that bullshit. There are MANY folks who write the truth on THIS AND OTHER blogs, the facts as they know them, their honest opinions, and YOU MSFREEH ARE NOT ONE OF THEM.

    1. Matt could you run a welfare check on BillC

      in other FBI news……

      March 7, 2018, 4:29 PM
      FBI agent, estranged wife found dead in apparent murder-suicide

      An FBI agent and a woman were found dead in an apparent murder-suicide outside a home in Crownsville, Maryland, on Wednesday. The Anne Arundel County Police department said officers arrived at the scene after 8 a.m. in response to a 911 call about a domestic assault. The caller said a woman was being threatened by her recently estranged husband, police say.

      in other uprisings….when the inmates ran walpole prison

      from the film 3;000 years and Life

      In 1977 I was teaching at UMass Amherst
      working for Walter Silva in a program he
      created helping lifers get their Bachelors
      Degree in Mass Prisons

      inmate Jerry Souza briefly passed thru
      after he was released. He appears in the
      film 3000 years and life see above

      also see

  4. As Matt likes to remind us……

    Blogging is not truth
    Behavior is truth

    In other truth news……

    FBI Director J Edgar Hoover was principal architect behind JFK Assassination
    Martin Luther King Assassination
    Robert Kennedy Assassination

    new 2018 Book

    Voices from the Shadows


    also see

    Who REALLY Killed Martin Luther King Jr.?: The Case Against Lyndon B. Johnson and J. Edgar Hoover Hardcover – April 17, 2018
    by Phillip F. Nelson (Author)

    One of the most infamous and devastating assassinations in American history, the murder of civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr., was also one of the most quickly resolved by authorities: James Earl Ray was convicted of the crime less than a year after it occurred. Yet, did they catch the right person? Or was Ray framed by President Lyndon B Johnson and FBI Director J Edgar Hoover?

    In Who REALLY Killed Martin Luther King, Jr.?, Phillip F. Nelson explores the tactics used by the FBI to portray Ray as a southern racist and stalker of King. He shows that early books on King’s death were written for the very purpose of “dis-informing” the American public, at the behest of the FBI and CIA, and are filled with proven lies and distortions.

    As Nelson methodically exposes the original constructed false narrative as the massive deceit that it was, he presents a revised and corrected account in its place, based upon proven facts that exonerate James Earl Ray. Nelson’s account is supplemented by several authors, including Harold Weisberg, Mark Lane, Dick Gregory, John Avery Emison, Philip Melanson, and William F. Pepper. Nelson also posits numerous instances of how government investigators―the FBI originally, then the Department of Justice in 1976, the House Select Committee on Assassinations investigators in 1978 and the DOJ again in 2000―deliberately avoided pursuing any and all leads which pointed toward Ray’s innocence.

    for Matt’s grandkids

    Delving Further into Uncharted Territory: Arctic Sea Ice Greatly Weakened at Start of Spring 2018
    The story of Arctic sea ice is one of short term complexity overlying an inexorable long term trend of decline. It has thus been difficult for sea ice monitors to forecast seasonal ice growth and retreat, despite a larger and significant warming of the Arctic.

    (New ice has formed north of Greenland following a massive polar warming event last week. This ice is thin and faces the warm up of spring and summer with uncertainty. Sitting over a region that is typically filled with thick ice, it could provide a back-door for melt into the Central Arctic come summer. As usual, weather will play a key role in this year’s melt, despite the undeniable longer term trend of loss. Image source: NASA.)

    Undeterred by these facts, a number of key factors stand out in 2018 — following a winter in which the Arctic has suffered considerable warming and related impacts to the ice.

    Lowest Sea Ice Extent; Warmest Freeze Season

    Today, Arctic sea ice extent is at its lowest levels on record. Volume, is at the second lowest levels ever measured. And this year’s freeze season (October through February of 2017-2018) was the warmest ever recorded (see link below). Taken at face value, these are pretty stark statistics. But they don’t tell the whole story. Not by a long shot.

    The Arctic is warming up twice as fast as the rest of the world. It has been doing so since around 2000 when Polar Amplification — the science-based expectation that the poles will warm faster than the globe as greenhouse gas levels rise — really began to kick in. So the present warm peak in the Arctic is on top of a record spate of accelerated warming. In the graphs it looks like a rocket ship taking off.

    We should be clear that most of this warming has occurred during winter time. It’s warmth that has softened the ice, thinned it. Produced a big push toward thaw. But like a cup of water with a single cube of melting ice in it will resist surface temperatures above freezing, this thinning and melting has yet to have have a significant impact on summer-time temperatures in the high Arctic. That thinning skein of ice is still doing its duty keeping the Arctic summer close to freezing. But it’s a realistic question to ask — how much longer can it? What happens when the majority of the summer ice is gone?

    Such radical warming has also had a number of environmental effects. It is pushing fisheries that rely on cold water northward. It is stressing key species like the Wright Whale, the Polar Bear, and the Puffin. It is causing the permafrost to thaw, which produces a number of environmental feedbacks. Not the least of which includes land subsidence, the release of mercury into the Arctic environment and global ocean, and the slow but rising expulsion of greenhouse gasses long locked away.

    Multiyear Ice Has Pulled Away From Shore

    The thicker ice floes of yore are now mostly a bare memory. A recollection of past cold blasted away by fossil fuel burning and inexorable thaw. This year, an LNG tanker crossed the thinning ice during winter time. Bearing with it a great load of climate change quickening gas destined to be burned in some nation still entangled by a heat-producing web of gas plants, coal mines, and diesel and gasoline cars.

    The thick, multiyear ice is reduced to a phantom of its former girth and extent. It has drawn back, pulling away from shore. Increasingly sequestered to more and more remote regions. And on the run from the ocean swells, warmer storms, and increasing instances of liquid rain that fall across an Arctic that is facing violent transition.

    Increasingly, it huddles closer to Greenland and the Canadian Archipelago. But as we can see in the image at the top of this post, even this region is no longer a reliable sanctuary.

    Cold Pole Shift in Forecast — Canada/Alaska Predicted to See Abnormal Warmth

    As late winter transitions into early spring, we enter the less certain time of melt and thaw season. During recent years, as warming bloomed in the lower latitudes, the Jet Stream which had slowed and meandered more during winter due to polar warming, snapped back into place. This seasonal flattening and speeding up of the upper level winds tended to harden and deepen the cold pole at the north of our world. Reducing relative temperature variance above normal averages even as melt season advanced.

    This created a kind of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde relationship between winter and summer in which high Arctic winter temps seemed outrageously warmer than normal even as summer snapped back to more typical Arctic averages in the furthest north locations.

    (As we enter spring and summer, high Arctic temperatures tend to regress back toward the mean following winter warming. This is largely due to the inertial cooling influence of ocean ice which will tend to keep temperatures closer to the freezing line even as net energy gain is ongoing. Loss of ice would result in the removal of this insulating effect and likely push summer anomalies for the region into the +1 to +5 C range. Image source: Zachary Labe. Data Source: DMI.)

    But all is not well. The loss of winter climate norms have done their damage. And the summers, on balance, saw the edge ice retreat a bit further. Saw the boundaries of Arctic cold pull a bit tighter and saw the open, warmer, sunlight-capturing waters advance ever northward.

    We don’t know if this return to more normal temperatures for the high Arctic during summer will save the ice from new record lows this year during melt season. But we can track how thaw season is predicted to advance against a greatly weakened Arctic sea ice pack. And this year, the cold pole appears to be expected to shift over the land mass of western Siberia during early March.

    (A warm North America, cool west Siberia dipole appears to be developing during early March in the forecast models. If this trend reinforces, it could leave large areas of ice open to early thaw from the Alaskan and Canadian maritime to the Central Arctic. Note that residual energy transfer along ocean zones remains in play in this forecast. Image source: Climate Reanalyzer.)

    Meanwhile, on the North American side, abnormal warmth is predicted to advance through Alaska, Western Canada, and the Hudson Bay region.

    If this trending location of warm and cool extremes reinforces and holds through melt season start, we can expect the front of melt advance to begin on the North American side as the region near the Kara and Laptev seas resist melt advance longer. Meanwhile, latent warmth over the Bering Sea and Svalbard appear to be set to hold back late season refreeze in these two key zones.

    How this weather dynamic plays out will determine if melt season 2018 begins on a record low ramp and how resilient the ice will be to the seasonal thaw that is on the way. We are presently in a situation where a record low start is possible even as reasonable concerns about a potential rapid summer melt progression are presently heightened.

  5. So,5 of the list to be cut are my favorites 9JKL gets booted, while Will and Grace gets renewed? REALLY!. With exception, the Black List does seem to be running out of steam, the others are very good and entertaining Madam Sect, Superior Donuts and Taken. Good entertainment. It is unfortunate that these ratings are being controlled by all the crap that the snowflakes are watching! Are we to bow to and be limited to what is available for us by what they Snowflakes consider entertaining?

    1. Prisons are very educational. After a few years in prison, one begins to understand how Black folks feel about having their identity defined by white people. You experience how it feels to be objectified. Building more prisons will bring the revolution quicker than any amount of new colleges. By all means, man, set to building. I’m enthusiastic about the idea!

      Down with all straights, and, player haters. All power to the dialectic!

      1. One of the problems is that this problem, mass shootings, needs a serious amount of thought aimed at it. You know, like serious dialectic. People that think bluff and cute quips are the answer to the problem are nothing but anchors that weigh the future down around the 600 fathom line. You think your preaching is progressive. You’re hung up on some clown from the 60’s. You killed society, not me.

        So, list the five greatest Americans. See if your scholarly mind can brace itself for three or four minutes and come up with that list. I have mine. I’ll give you my number one. Tecumseh. No contest there. Go ahead.

  6. Gun control: We ( my Redneck friends and I down here in Virginia) get to keep our guns because we are the good guys.

    If a person commits a felony and is convicted and there is a handgun involved; Ten years added to any sentence. Period. Parole in 7 1/2 if eligible. NO exceptions. None.

    Steal a car, gun found under the seat. 10 years.

    Assault someone, gun in backpack. 10 years.

    Rip off a 7-11, gun in trunk of getaway car. 10 years.

    This is the start to keeping bad people from using guns. The important thing is that every time it happens the law is enforced.

    Make the bad guys pay. Why should anyone else?

    1. Honest Abe, I agree 100%
      I lived in Virginia, DC, Maryland for eight years. When I walked into my wife’s house in Oxon Hill there were two rifles and a shotgun leaning against the wall inside the front door . . .the boys, teenagers, with their friends next door, in their pick-up trucks used them for hunting . . .no one gave them a second thought . . .no one ever broke into those houses
      Also, the father,, an independent businessman, also kept a loaded pistol in a drawer beside his bed and was licensed to carry and kept a small gun strapped to his ankle, whenever on business . . .not on vacation to the Maryland Shores for some soft shell crabs

      I’m happy my friends, such as my close friend a former Viet Vet combat Marine, is licensed to carry and generally does . . .God bless America, home of the brave and land of the free

      Right on, Honest Abe!

      1. Thanks, Bill.

        I just yesterday told this plan to someone and they railed about overcrowding in our prisons. Really?

        First of all, prison is suppose to be somewhat uncomfortable. If it gets a little crowded for you after your trial and conviction, tough shit. Take responsibility for your actions the next time and think before you submit an honest, hard working member of society to your criminal whim.

        Secondly, the next time some developer decides to put in another shopping mall, golf course, theme park or other huge waste of our land, make it worth his or her while for that project to produce a prison instead. It will be a boon to local economy. Construction, administration and guard jobs will be beneficial to many. And none of this ‘not in our back yard’ BS. This is for the good of all. It doesn’t create a criminal hang out. It is where criminals are put for rehabilitation and incarceration. It doesn’t create a criminal atmosphere. It contains it!

        But once again, the enforcement of our laws is primary. You just can’t let people get away with murder. As seen on this blog many times, that is a common occurrence.

  7. a liberal snowflake is someone who walks
    out of the room when someone brings a
    snow shovel to a fight

    a conservative snowflake is someone who has been
    mugged by a liberal’s snoeplow

    in other snowflake news
    see photo of Scituate

    East Coast Still Experiencing Heavy Seas as Another Storm Looms
    Large swells and high tides continued to batter the U.S. East Coast today as a storm that is predicted to become yet another nor’easter began to gather over the Central U.S.

    A broad low pressure system that slammed the mid-Atlantic and Northeastern U.S. this weekend with flooding, massive waves, and wind gusts of up to 93 mph was still hurling rough seas and storm tides at the U.S. East Coast on Monday. Such widely-varied locations as coastal Florida and New Jersey were experiencing high water, beach erosion, raging surf and minor coastal flooding. Officials were warning people to stay off the beach and away from riled seas as crews rushed to clear debris.

    The storm gained extreme intensity that was likely peaked by a number of climate change related factors including warmer than normal sea surface temperatures, a blocking high over Greenland that was likely impacted by a recent polar warming event, and higher sea levels resulting increasingly severe tidal flooding during the storm’s peak.

    (A massive low pressure system that knocked out power to hundreds of thousands and flooded the Northeast coastline this weekend still churned off the U.S. East Coast on Monday — lashing shores with rough surf and minor flooding. Image source: Earth Nullschool.)

    Inland, nearly a quarter million people were still without power from Virginia through Maine — down from a high of around two million at the weekend storm’s peak. However, utilities are saying that it may take days to fully restore power to some locations. As repair crews were scrambling, another major storm was starting to gather over the Great Plains — with a high pressure system across Florida drawing very moist air from over a much warmer than normal Gulf of Mexico and into the developing storm’s circulation.

    Over the next 24 hours, the new storm is projected to track eastward — crossing to the Ohio River Valley region by late Tuesday. On Wednesday, the low will transition energy into a developing storm off Virginia and the Outer Banks. This low is then expected to rapidly intensify as it moves northward — developing strong onshore winds with gusts of 45-65 mph crossing coastal Delaware, New Jersey, Long Island, Connecticut, Rhode Island and Massachusetts by late Wednesday and into early Thursday.

    (Models show another powerful low pressure system battering the Northeast Coast with 45-65 mph winds by early Thursday. Image source: Tropical Tidbits.)

    The storm is also predicted to bring heavy coastal rains and up to 1-2 feet of snow across parts of the Northeast.

    Presently, the storm is not expected to be as strong as the massive system that slammed the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic this weekend. However, gale force to storm force gusts are presently predicted, and forecast storm strength has been trending toward higher intensity in recent model runs.

    In addition, climate change related factors like a warmer than normal Gulf of Mexico, much warmer than normal sea surface temperatures in the Gulf Stream, higher sea levels, and a large blocking high over Greenland are contributing to this most recent storm’s expected intensity. With hundreds of thousands still recovering from this weekend’s historic storm, and with so many factors now in play that could serve to further spike a new storm’s intensity above those presently expected, this is a developing situation that bears watching.

    also see

  8. To confirm definitions, bullies are the ones who threaten to shoot people and snowflakes are the ones whose feelings are hurt. Well, sometimes bullies get shot by snowflakes whose feelings have been hurt one time too many. Except in that state, the armed former snowflakes tend to shoot rather indiscriminately. I understand why my leftist friends all vote this way, but not why Republican women like me — whether Trump supporters or not — would do so. Have you asked them? You must know a few.

  9. JKM, That’s what I thought at first, but someone corrected me and said Ms is Miss or Mz . . .makes no difference . . .we’ll keep punchin’ . . .have a good day . . .the beat goes on . .

  10. I’ve copied many in Congress, Academia, the Press with “Fanatic Feds Stage Sham Show Trials” a three page essay by Billy C. and today I’ll make it available to Congressman Devin Nunes and his committee investigating abuses of power under Obama DOJ, and I’ll also forward copies to two of my favorite gals: Kayleigh McEnany (I’ve probably spelled her name wrong) and Katrina Pearson. Gutsy, brilliant, articulate young women of strong moral fiber. Solid conservatives, traditionalists. They make my heart swell with pride for the young women of America. I’ve learned so much from both over the past several years. Brilliant young women; focused on today and America’s bright future.

    1. Bill , Freeh is a dude . You should have figured that out by now . Company man all the way , Maestro . Have at it !

  11. or maybe it just boils her bloomers, that her beloved FEDs have been caught off base again . . .caught for 25 years crushing the rights of the citizens of Boston like HIs Imperial Majesty that taxed us to revolt against Imperial Federal Abusers of Power

  12. And JKM, you see Msfreeh, to distract and dilute, wants to talk about the Kennedy Assassination, again. Pretends she’s confused about current events. But crystal clear about ancient history.

  13. Here’s some answers to questions about the framing, railroading and persecution of John Connolly with the intent to nail another innocent man Bill Bulger: Someone posted this on twitter: Harvard Law’s Larry Lessig’s comments on FEDS’ bullying of his young friend Aaron Scwartz . . .The FEDS, following Wyshak’s lead/example bullied him to suicide:
    Lessig’s sentiments on Swartz’s suicide track ours in “Fanatic Feds Stage Sham Show Trials.” The bullying persecutorial prosecutorial abuse of power started under Sterns, Wyshak, et al infected successors: a federal jihad against goodcitizens of Boston has been carried out by Sterns, Wyshak, Durham and their successors (the Sterns Gang they’re collectively referred to; birds of a feather) and the list of victims beyond Connolly, Swartz, attempted assassination of Billy Bulger, includes the Carswell Motel owner, Kenny Conley (FEDS settle for @ $1 million, wrongful persecution for a decade), the 51 year old nurse with a clean record, the city councilman aged @ 70 with a clean record set up over a $200 “preacher’s handshake”, the probation officers, O’brien’s office happened to employ Chris Bulger (what a coincidence), . . .I could list ten more egregious examples . . .and here’s how they get innocent folks to sign a “plea” deal usually to one count of “perjury”: “Tom, if you don’t sign this plea deal we’ll take your job, house, all your money, your wife and kids won’t have a home, your kids won’t finish or go to college and we’ll persecute/prosecute you on phony trumped up charges for decades . . . .we’ll bankrupt you with lawyers’ fees . . .and we have the serial-killing, or otherwise felonious-perjurious witnesses on our side . . .plus we have Howie Carr and the Boston Globe on our side, and you know we constantly leak grand jury and other inside/confidential info to them.” That’s how the FEDs have operated in the last 25-plus years as I have born witness to these deviant bullying power-abusting Fed prosecutors in Boston who generally target conservatives and traditionalists . . .almost exclusively target conservative/traditionalist public figures who are either pro-life or oppose Big Government and whose Primary Purpose in live is to serve the public, like Aaron Scwartz and John Connolly and Ken Connolly and the nurse and the probation officers etc, etc, etc

  14. I see the Boston FBI SACS “all boyz castrato choir” ( you know some of them by their stage names of Ahearn,Greenleaf,Kaiser,Bamford,DeSauliers,Lisi and Ward are doing
    their da wop version of the Southie Hit FBI SOCK PUPPETS LIVE at MATTS
    hint look up sock puppet

    in other news just got off the phone with JFK assassination researcher Ed Tatro
    I called him to remind him of the EXXON MOBIL TILLERSON BOMBOGENESIS
    storm hiiting Mass today, by the way Matt how are your grandkids doing?
    You know the ones who will inherit the planet from us, eh?

    Ed sez he was busy preparing for his talk next week at the JFK Assassination
    Conference where he will discuss how the DOJ wacked President Kennedy.
    Did I mention Bobby Kennedy and Martin Luther King?


    Anyway Ed Tatro drops a piece of rotting word flesh for Matt and his irregulars
    to be picked up at their word salad bar.
    Google hale fbi jfk

    Hale chose the Dallas Motorcade route
    to facilitate JFK Assassination

    Google neil gallagher congress


    so listen up Matt
    even if I could give you answers to your questions about John Connolly
    you would not be able to live them
    so learn to love your questions about John Connolly
    and maybe down the road someday
    you will live your life into the answer

    1. “…….by the way Matt how are your grandkids doing?
      You know the ones who will inherit the planet from us, eh?”

      I think its time we all started thinking about what kind of a plant we are going to leave behind for Keith Richards.

  15. If you want a copy of my essay, “Federal Fanatics Stage Sham Show Trials”, please send a SASE with a generous donation to me or hand deliver it c/o Noontime Nuts, Curley Rec. Center, L-Street, South Boston. I expect it to be published soon by a major national publisher, perhaps a subsidiary of the New York Times or WaPo. Although, I’m sending it first to conservative publications: Wash. Times, Wall St. Journal, Breitbart, American Spectator, etc.
    Thank you . . .donations over$10,000 will be given to the South Boston Boys and Girls Clubs and/or the Laboure Center.
    I am a non-profit writer, so you can deduct your donations on next year’s income tax . . .unless the new tax laws disallow
    thanx again in advance, for your anticipated generous support


    Billy C.
    March 1, 2018
    Federal Prosecutor Fred Wyshak has acted fanatically, not just over-zealously, in prosecuting John Connolly in Miami. Wyshak’s abuse of process, abuse of double jeopardy jurisprudence, his office’s obscene Immunity Deal cut with serial Mafia killer John Martorano, his obscene use of admitted and proven perjurers as witnesses and affiants such as Steve Flemmi and Martorano, both serial killers, cocaine-pushers, rapists (Flemmi admitted to raping the adolescent daughter of his live-in girlfriend (common law wife); years later he dated the daughter’ and a few years thereafter killed her; Martorano has admitted seducing by drugging young women with cocaine in the Kenmore Square nightclub area and shooting a teenage girl in the back of the head) and the two-months long Show Trial in Miami against an innocent man, the highly decorated honorably retired FBI agent John J. Connolly, Jr., based on the perjurious triple-hearsay words of these serial killers granted leniency by Wyshak’s office in exchange for patent fabrications . . .these and other acts by Wyshak and his colleagues SHOCK THE CONSCIENCE.

    NOTE 1: Everyday of that inordinately prolonged two-months long show trial and at post-trial hearings Wyshak staged sitting behind him in that small Miami courtroom five (5) federally deputized Massachusetts State Troopers led by then Major Thomas Foley. A sham show trial! .A circus! A disgrace! A waste of federal/state resources! A mockery of justice!
    How a judge could allow it, we (including lifelong criminal defense attorneys) cannot fathom. (Apparently Martorano’s “deal” was he did not have to divulge the murders committed by his brother James nor any of their accomplices/associates. So, a lifelong criminal defense attorney asked, “How does he get on the stand and take an oath ‘to tell the whole truth’”? Secondly, how does a judge allow career Mafia murderers, these serial killers/proven perjurers to take the stand in the first instance?
    The basis of Wyshak re-trying a man in Miami State Court on a charge he was declared innocent of in a Boston Federal Court was that John Martorano remembered in 1998 a single sentence spoken by Whitey Bulger in 1982 and that single ambiguous sentence allegedly spoken by Whitey was “John Connolly said if John Callahan talks we’ll all be in trouble.” Ambiguous, vague! Sometime after the 2001-2002 Boston Federal Trial, Wyshak got Steve Flemmi, (who did not testify at the Boston trial, but did in other federal venues) who’d said under oath repeatedly that his TEI handler John Connolly was an honest FBI agent who never did or said anything intending anyone be killed . .Wyshak got Flemmi to “remember” in about 2003-2005 that very same triple hearsay sentence that Martorano said Whitey said John Connolly said.

  17. One of my customers kids just got an AK47 through the mail. I was handling it today. Not full auto but mighty impressive looking in the hands of this 370 pound kid.

  18. The Commies(underTrotsky, Lenin, Stalin) had disinformation campaigns. The Nazi’s Joseph Goebells was an expert at it. My longtime friend and jogging buddy, Larry Tye – – -Billy Anderson, another Noontime Nut, we both admired immensely and were great friends of, Billy, the jarhead, bartender, who always called it straight and who stood up to anyone, and all the girls liked him . .I was envious of how fascile, friendly he was with themost beautiful young women,and he’d married a beautiful young woman, Donna, and was a faithful husband and good father. . .we went to Mark’s B-Ball games . . .anyway Billy Anderson always was faithful, a loyal friend, a stand-up man, and both Larry Tye and I admired him immensely and had a lot of fun over many years out of L-Street and up New Hampshire . . .jogging . . .and we argued, heatedly, at times . . .about stuff

    Anyway Larry Tye wrote a great book about Propaganda, Disinformation, Mass Communication and how the NAZI/STALIN disinformation tactics are used today a lot by THE ADVERTISING INDUSTRY . . . everything Tye writes is thoughtful . . .he’s one of those thoughtful liberals I admire . . .like Billy Connolly, the Globe Santa guy, another guy who jogged frequently out of L-Street with the Noontime Nuts.

    Anway, the point is I think Msfreeh plasters Disinformation on this site, Disiinofrmation which Dilutes the strong Anti-Fed points made herein, so I conclude, and I admit I could be wrong, but nevertheless I conclude that she’s not a Feminazi, she’s not a Commies, but Msfreeh is a FED.

    1. In fairness , Freeh has … Inundated .. us with detailed reports of FBI abuse . To wrest the belt from E. Freeh for Heavyweight Fed Hate requires more than simply asserting , in all apparent lucidity , that a person is doing the diametric opposite of what our lying eyes have apparently been witnessing for a long time . Freeh is a scourge upon the FBI . Now , the claim is made that the scourge is a G-Man demiurge !
      This type of sophistry in an argument , legal or otherwise , is troubling . It indicates a propensity to impose one’s personality upon facts ; to fashion them as desired , no matter which way they lie .

      1. It’s called subterfuge: a double agent: Pretends she’s anti-FBI on Stale Stuff . . .deflects from current events indicting DOJ . . . .in other words, her posts distract from the topic of the day . . .I think’ she’s a plant . . .I also think I may be entirely wrong,, and she’s just more interested in posting her own stuff, or she’s scatterbrained, highly intelligent, inquisitive, but cannot focus on one topic at a time

        1. C’mon , the interesting part of Freeh is that the bastard can turn a phrase . Scroll down Moses !

  19. Here are the comments I added to Senators Nelson, Rooney and Cruz, and will add to American Spectator, etc.

    Federal Prosecutor Fred Wyshak has acted fanatically, not just over-zealously in prosecuting John Connolly in Miami. Wyshak’s abuse of process, abuse of double jeopardy jurisprudence, his office’s obscene Immunity Deal cut with serial Mafiosa killer John Martorano, his obscene use of admitted and proven perjurers such as Steve Flemmi and Martorano, both serial killers, as witnesses and affiants, and the two-months long Show Trial in Miami against an innocent man, the highly honorably retired FBI agent based on the perjurious words of serial killers granted leniency by Wyshak’s office in exchange for patent fabrications . . .these and other acts by Wyshak and his colleagues SHOCK THE CONSCIENCE
    Note: Everyday of that two-months show trial and at post-trial hearings Wyshak staged sitting behind in that small Miami courtroom five (5) federally deputized Massachusetts State Troopers led by then Major Thomas Foley. A sham trial. A disgrace.

    The one witness who testified both in Boston and Miami that in 1982 he heard Whitey Bulger say that John Connolly said,”If John Callahan talks we’ll all be in trouble.” Based on that triple hearsay utterance alone, Wyshak broke double jeopardy jurisprudence. Of course, somehow Wyshak induced, coerced Steve Flemmi to change his five years-plus of testimony (twice under oath) that John Connolly was an honest cop who never did or said anything intending anyone be killed. (Check David Boeri’s excellent reporting on these discordant but indisputable facts.) And somehow the fanatical Wyshak convinced Flemmi around 2003-2005 (8-10 years after he’d been in prison attesting to John Connolly’s innocent) that Flemmi himself now remembered in about 2004 what Whitey Bulger said John Connolly said in1982, and lo and behold, they were the same words John Martorano remembered in 1998 Whitey said in 1982.

    On these two perjurious serial killers’ lying words, these Mafiosa Murderers patently fabricated lies. on this two parroting the same well rehearsed single sentence, “If Callahan talks . . .” On one single triple hearsay sentence allegedly spoken amongst serial killers, carreer gangsters, 24 years earlier, a Federal Prosecutor, Fred Wyshak, decides to try a man for murder, and eviscerates double jeopardy jurisprudence to do so.

    Wyshak a fanatic? He acted fanatically, this officer of the FEDS. His political motive was glaring . . . .he said,”Connolly got too close to the Bulgers (plural) and South Boston.” We know who Fred Dershowitz, I mean Fred Wyshak’s target was all along. the same target Sterns, Durham had. And to get Billy B, they “knock down every law in England.” As Cromwell said to More in A Man for All Season, Bolt’s play. “And when all the laws are down and the devil turns on you . . . ” what then, More asked.

    I’m not a Sir Thomas More, a writer like Bolt, Dante, Shakespeare, Doestoevsky, and I’m no Divine Inquisitor nor judge of the fate of any man’s immortal soul. But I wonder what inner circles Dante might have put men like Howie Carr who conducts a death pool and mocks the dead, or a man like Wyshak who stages sham show trials to sentence men to death, life in prison, innocent men who did nothing more than their jobs, who spoke a stray sentence or who never even spoke that stray throwaway line Wyshak, Martorano, Flemmi and Major Foley say he did.

    Didn’t Flemmi, Morris et al testify under oath repeatedly that men in the Top Echelon Program (like Flemmi himself) were told specifically at least annually that they could continue their criminal activities, but “no violence, no murders.”? Of course they did. Then how does Wyshak pretend a stray sentence to Flemmi about Callahan talking (we know the sentence is fabrication, but assume it’s true) how does that sentence indicate an intent to kill, an intent to do violence, when Flemmi is told repeatedly at least every year as a condition of being in the TEI Program “no violence, no murders.”

    Oh, Fred Wyshak, the wicked web we weave when first we practice to deceive . . .when first we decide the Department of Justice will be used to vilely villainously extract a pound of flesh from political foes. “He got too close to the Bulgers and South Boston.” In Somerville in 2013 at a speech, then Colonel Thomas Foley also spilled the beans, saying Wyshak, the FEDS, he and his four other deputized troopers were fighting not only gangster Whitey Bulger but his brother in the state house, the honorable Senate President, U.Mass. President Bill Bulger.

    What a disgrace to law enforcement and justice and the American way: Wyshak et al.

  20. I am reposting so that Msfreeh’s diversionary posts do not distract>


    To: Amanda M. Jones
    Acting Chief, FOIA/PA Unit
    Criminal Division
    Department of Justice
    Suite 1127, Keeney Building
    950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
    Washington, DC 20530-0001 February 27, 2018

    Dear Ms. Jones,

    This is a FOIA request for the following documents (notes, etc.)

    1. The Immunity Agreement between the Department of Justice and John Martorano who testified against FBI agent John J. Connolly, Jr., both in Boston Federal Courthouse (@2001) and Miami State Courthouse (@2006) while being tried by Federal Prosecutors Durham and Wyshak.
    2. All documents mentioning John Martorano and Anthony “Tony” Veranis whom Martorano alleged under oath he murdered. Anthony Veranis’s date of death is April 25, 1966; his body was discovered in the Blue Hills, Quincy, Mass. Martorno described the murder to Howie Carr in the book Hitman and apparently a different version on Carr’s radio station. He has described the murder to Boston-Office Federal Prosecutors Wyshak, Durham and Sterns, et al., and also to five State Police Troopers “deputized” as federal agents by Sterns, Wyshak, et al; on or about 1998; those five state troopers were led by then Major now ret. Col. Thomas Foley of the State Police.
    3. All documents mentioning Anthony “Tony Veranis; I am only seeking those documents generated by or in the possession of at any time of Federal Prosecutors Sterns, Durham, Wyshak (of Boston-Office, New England Region; or when Wyshak was acting in Miami @2004 et seq., as special prosecutor) or generated by or in the possession of the five deputized State Troopers aforementioned who appeared with Prosecutor Fred Wyshak every day in 2006 of the two-month Miami trial of John J. Connolly . . .Wyshak was co-counsel at that trial and brought Martorano, Flemmi, the five state troopers et al, to the Miami courtroom as witnesses to re-try John Connolly there in State Court for a crime he was acquitted of in Federal Court in Boston, namely leaking information that led to the 1982 death of John Callahan, as testified to under oath soley by John Martorano in both Boston and Miami, who said he remembered in @ 1998 what he heard in 1982 what someone said John Connolly said in 1982. It was one sentence.
    4. Finally, I seek any documents in the Boston Regional Office of the DOJ with my name on them or my home address: (ID stuff omitted)

    The purpose of these requests are in the high public interest of exonerating a man, John J. Connolly, Jr, former FBI agent, who was wrongfully prosecuted and wrongfully convicted in Miami based on what we are certain is the perjured testimony of John Martorano, et al. There is ample documentary and forensic evidence to prove Martorano is lying in violation of his immunity agreement. See, for example, (the) booklet, Character Assassins: Carr, Dershowitz, Mudd: Who Will Live in Infamy (Xlibris 2012).

    Thank you for your kind consideration of these vital matters and for your anticipated prompt and full attention to them.


    signed by me, Billy Be Dog Gone Du Baintry ( a pseudonym . . . my real name was appended.)

  21. let me say that……

    9/11 and Other Deep State Crimes Teleconference
    wtc7 pentagon
    Draft Agenda for 2/28/18 Teleconference

    8pm (ET)/5pm (PT) Teleconference # (641) 715-0632 Access code: 551571#
    [Note: Some telephone service providers block access to this teleconference service, or require additional charges. If you encounter any of these difficulties, please try calling this alternative number: (716) 293-9623. You will then be required to key in the original phone number above before entering the access code. Please inform of us of any technical difficulties you encounter in accessing the teleconference.]

    Greetings all,
    and not to Ken Freeland. Also, the deadline for submission of agenda items has been moved forward, to a week before each teleconference. The draft minutes below did not make these adjustments, so they have been amended to include them.

    Then, Barbara Honegger introduces us to David Ferrie, whose testimony regarding Dov Zackheim and the Pentagon 9/11 event is certain to raise eyebrows. It’s best to quote at length from Barbara’s missive:

    “In my introduction of Gordon, whom I met for the first time at the JFK Conference in Dallas this past November where
    he was a speaker (and will also be a speaker at the JFK Conference in the D.C. area in early March), I’ll give a summary of his background with emphasis on his ‘Zakheim-related bio’, which is the first attachment. After watching ‘Behind The Smoke Curtain’, which I gave him at the event in Dallas after a long and in depth one-on-one exchange of information, he called immediately to say that from what he knows about Zakheim, which I recall is over some 20 years, and his company’s aircraft remote control technology, that he was so sure putting Zakheim in the bulls eye of the inside perpetrators of 9/11, and especially of the Pentagon attack, had hit the nail so on the head that he had become nauseous. He will tell us why. Zakheim personally told him that his company was building secret airport — obviously needed to secretly land remotely hijacked using its ‘hijack the hijackers’ technology.
    Gordon was also an eyewitness shortly after the attack on the Pentagon, which he drove by, to a major piece of wreckage that to my knowledge hasn’t been revealed before — a main wheel assembly / landing gear which was on the lawn to the left/north of the helipad further left/north than even the well known largest piece of wreckage we’ve been aware of. The second attachment is an aerial photo of the west side of the Pentagon on which he placed an ‘X’ at the location of the wheel assembly. The third attachment is the route he drove by the Pentagon shortly after the attack, from which he saw the wheel assembly. The fifth and sixth attachments [see right] are, for reminders, photos of the well known large debris piece relative to which the wheel assembly was further to the left/north on the lawn. If there’s time, he’ll probably also go into the information in the last attachment.

    As always, we’ll reserve time for any announcements you have to share.

    Please join us Wednesday night for these latest currents in the Truth movement!

    Ken Freeland
    Cheryl Curtiss
    Craig McKee

    DRAFT AGENDA for Wednesday 28 February Teleconference

    I Roll call, minutes approval, agenda approval (5 min)

    II Review of Eyes on Havana: Memoirs of an American Spy Betrayed by the CIA, by Verne Lyon {J Michael Springman] (20 min + Q&A) {Cheryl}

    III Interview/report of David Ferrie on Dov Zakheim, the Pentagon 9/11 event, and related subjects. [David Ferrie] {Barbara Honegger} (20+ min + Q&A)

    IV Announcements

    V Any available updates on issues of identified ongoing concern (if any remaining time):
    New articles, books, films, or recent news about 9/11 or other Deep State crimes
    9/11 and the Deep State on the legal front, including current adjudicatory efforts by Lawyers for 9/11 Inquiry, JASTA, 28 pages, William Pepper’s efforts with AE911Truth against NIST and the Dept. of Commerce
    Censorship and cognitive infiltration: new examples of censorship or harassment of members of the Truth community; MSM treatment of 9/11 Truth
    Google censorship
    The 9/11 Consensus Panel
    9/11 Truth political candidates
    VI Adjournment (by 9:30 p Eastern)

    February 23, 2018
    Craig McKee, Secretary 9/11 Monthly Teleconference Call

    Draft minutes for the Wed., January 31, 2018 regular conference call

    Present were:

    Ken Freeland, Teleconference co-facilitator, Houston 9/11Truth
    Cheryl Curtiss, Teleconference co-facilitator, Connecticut 9/11 Truth
    Craig McKee, Teleconference secretary, Truth and Shadows
    Wayne Coste, TAP
    Peter Michael Ketcham, formerly of NIST
    Gerald Pechenuk, 9/11 activist
    Michael Cook, AE911Truth
    Frank Tolopko, Berkshire 9/11 Truth
    David Cole, Nine Eleven Accountability Team
    Lynn Bradbury, Maine 9/11 Truth
    Barton Bruce, Boston 9/11 Truth
    Barrie Zwicker, Towers of Deception
    David Palmer, 9/11 activist in Australia
    Ken Jenkins, 9/11 activist
    Barbara Honegger, Behind the Smoke Curtain
    James Hufferd, 9/11 Grassroots
    Tim Michael, TAP
    Xander Arena, Arizona 9/11 Studies and Outreach, Arizona State University
    Pat O’Connell, TAP

    The minutes of the Dec. 27, 2017 conference call were APPROVED.

    The amended draft agenda was APPROVED.

    Pentagon flight path
    Wayne Coste made another Pentagon presentation that addressed questions about the flight path that he proposed in October and summarized past presentations.

    Audio of the Jan. 31 call can be heard here: The next monthly teleconference will take place on Wednesday, Feb. 28, 2018 at 8 p.m. EST, 5 p.m. PST. Please email agenda items for next call to facilitator Cheryl Curtiss) by Tuesday Feb. 20 for the February teleconference, and by Tuesday March 20 for the March teleconference. Please use subject line “Agenda item for 911 Truth Teleconference.” Please include a brief description of your item and any relevant links you’d like participants to be aware of, together with your estimate of the number of minutes your agenda item will require.

  22. JFK Assassination Researcher ED Tatro from Quincy Mass just
    informed me of Live Streaming availability at upcoming JFK Assassination Conference

    in other FBI NEWS

    FBI agent guilty of sex abuse
    Was bureau’s chief of internal affairs
    WASHINGTON — The former chief internal watchdog at the FBI has pleaded guilty to sexually assaulting a 6-year-old girl and has admitted he had a history of molesting other children before he joined the bureau for what became a two-decade career.
    John H. Conditt Jr., 53, who retired in 2001, was sentenced last week in Tarrant County Court in Fort Worth to 12 years in prison after he admitted he molested the daughter of two FBI agents after he retired. He acknowledged molesting at least two other girls before he began his law enforcement career, his lawyer said.
    Conditt headed the internal affairs unit, which investigates agent wrongdoing, for the Office of Professional Responsibility at FBI headquarters in Washington from 1999 until June 2001, the FBI said.


    Who Is Benjamin Thomas Wolf? Former FBI Agent Smokes Weed in …
    Benjamin Thomas Wolf, a former FBI agent and current adjunct professor at Chicago’s Roosevelt University, is hoping to become Illinois’ first “Cannabis Congressman.” The Wicker Park resident and co-owner of Logan Square’s Park and Field restaurant reignited Illinois’ marijuana legalization efforts this …

  23. As a piano player . . .as Ronan Tynan says “Let’s Rock & Roll” . . .sometimes you’ve got to play it by ear . . . .so let’s Rock:
    Here’s the FOIA Request I’m emailing now and mailing today: I recall when I went to Vegas to see Roberto Durham fight Tommy Hearns . . .I’ve got my picture with both . . .my brother gave me $5 to play on Flutie’s number 22 . . .first day, off the plane check into hotel, walk into casino, to roulette table, get a five dollar chip, put it on #22 and hit for about $210 or $220 or whatever . . .walk out with my friend Teddy R . . . a teacher and one time professional lightweight boxer, a great friend, a great, typical Savie guy . . .and we bump into these two lovely young ladies about 22 years old . . .Well the rest is history . . .another Dot story . .
    Here’s the Freedom of Information Act Request (As they sometimes say in Savie, in poker, when the winner lays down his hand, aces over or a full house, “Read ’em and weep!” however, I remember one time when Knuckie caught the “winning” touchdown in tag rush, he shouted “game time” then dropped the ball, MEANING it’s never over til it’s over, or until the Fat Lady Sings

    Full Name and Address Omitted:

    To: Amanda M. Jones
    Acting Chief, FOIA/PA Unit
    Criminal Division
    Department of Justice
    Suite 1127, Keeney Building
    950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
    Washington, DC 20530-0001 February 27, 2018

    Dear Ms. Jones,

    This is a FOIA request for the following documents (notes, etc.)

    1. The Immunity Agreement between the Department of Justice and John Martorano who testified against FBI agent John J. Connolly, Jr., both in Boston Federal Courthouse (@2001) and Miami State Courthouse (@2006) while being tried by Federal Prosecutors Durham and Wyshak.
    2. All documents mentioning John Martorano and Anthony “Tony” Veranis whom Martorano alleged under oath he murdered. Anthony Veranis’s date of death is April 25, 1966; his body was discovered in the Blue Hills, Quincy, Mass. Martorno described the murder to Howie Carr in the book Hitman and apparently a different version on Carr’s radio station. He has described the murder to Boston-Office Federal Prosecutors Wyshak, Durham and Sterns, et al., and also to five State Police Troopers “deputized” as federal agents by Sterns, Wyshak, et al; on or about 1998; those five state troopers were led by then Major now ret. Col. Thomas Foley of the State Police.
    3. All documents mentioning Anthony “Tony Veranis; I am only seeking those documents generated by or in the possession of at any time of Federal Prosecutors Sterns, Durham, Wyshak (of Boston-Office, New England Region; or when Wyshak was acting in Miami @2004 et seq., as special prosecutor) or generated by or in the possession of the five deputized State Troopers aforementioned who appeared with Prosecutor Fred Wyshak every day in 2006 of the two-month Miami trial of John J. Connolly . . .Wyshak was co-counsel at that trial and brought Martorano, Flemmi, the five state troopers et al, to the Miami courtroom as witnesses to re-try John Connolly there in State Court for a crime he was acquitted of in Federal Court in Boston, namely leaking information that led to the 1982 death of John Callahan, as testified to under oath soley by John Martorano in both Boston and Miami, who said he remembered in @ 1998 what he heard in 1982 what someone said John Connolly said in 1982. It was one sentence.
    4. Finally, I seek any documents in the Boston Regional Office of the DOJ with my name on them or my home address: (ID stuff omitted)

    The purpose of these requests are in the high public interest of exonerating a man, John J. Connolly, Jr, former FBI agent, who was wrongfully prosecuted and wrongfully convicted in Miami based on what we are certain is the perjured testimony of John Martorano, et al. There is ample documentary and forensic evidence to prove Martorano is lying in violation of his immunity agreement. See, for example, (the) booklet, Character Assassins: Carr, Dershowitz, Mudd: Who Will Live in Infamy (Xlibris 2012).

    Thank you for your kind consideration of these vital matters and for your anticipated prompt and full attention to them.


    signed by me, Billy Be Dog Gone Du Baintry ( a pseudonym . . . my real name was appended.)

    1. Speaking of Ronan Tynan, is there a sweeter sound than his singing of Danny Boy? I think not.

  24. It was the MIlton “Madmen”.
    but they all were heavy weightlifters . . .football, wrestlers, Syracuse-type athletes

    Jack O was lifting at the world-Olympic record for his weight then . .he was probably near me 160-170 (high school; @170-180 post high) . . .and Jack O was not only football, he was also an outstanding gymnast, and besides a great athlete and great fighter, he was always a great friend, one of the good guys, and perfect gentleman around the young ladies most of whom liked him “a lot” . . .Jack reminded me in manner, fortitude, good sense of humor, strong comraderie and loyalty-friendship of my great lifelong friend Bobby Mancini, also quite the ladies man as a teenager and young men, and Bobby coulda been goalie at BC, but he fell in love with Donna and left school for love . . .it’s an old Dot story . . .and anyway if Jack O was a great wrestler and he was, Bob Mancini was perhaps even a better fighter (Bob weighed about 180-85 as teenager) because Bob could hit like Marciano . . .one punch and many a foe fell . . .sadly some to the hospital . . .but Bob also never started it and he stood up to bullies and the biggest of the big . . .in ’63 he beat badly a BC football player who started it . .on the green at BC . . .the BC football player was very, very tough and was said back then to be “the toughest guy and best fighter at BC” . .he was a senior . . .Bob was a freshmen . . .the 100-plus who witnessed that fight on the Green that Fall of 1963 would never forget it . . .I was there beside Bob, as was Eddie Bouchey (Savie, soph, a black belt in judo; both Eddie and his brother John had black belts as teenagers); Arthur Bradley (Dot, Neponset adopted Savie, freshman, football and boxing at BC High) Hank Fahey (Suothie, Freshman, football BC High) . . .both Art and Hank got PhDs or something and were Teachers . . .Eddie went into business as did Bob . . .anyway when the Fight was scheduled on the Green Bob asked me, Arthur, Eddie and Hank (Henry) to acccompany him . . .Seconds, I guess you’d call us . . .the other 100-plus were strangers to us, friends of the other guy or just students coming to watch “the fight” . . . I heard one guy say, “Wait to you see this guy fight . .he’s the best at BC” referring to the football player
    Well, within a few minutes, Bob had won decisively, a TKO, the guy was down on both knees . .it was all over
    The next morning, Bob and I walk into the Cafeteria at Lyons Hall . .remember it’s September/early October and we’re two freshmen . . .it’s just around 10:00 A.M. . . .as soon as we walk into the Hall, we start hearing shouts, “Hey, Bobby”, “Hey, there’s Bobby” “Bobby, Hi, how are you.” . . . Bobby looked at me, we both smiled, laughed, and he said something ironically funny . . . later that Fall at a Syracuse football game in Syracuse with Bobby and friends we had a ball . . .I kissed a lovely curvaceous dark haired brown eyed girl wearing an off-white blouse and dark skirt . .. what a face, what a figure . .. we were in a haystack, or the back of an open station wagon with straw strewn about . . .it only lasted a minute . . .I don’t remember hardly anything else about that weekend . . . .Who won?

  25. Frank Casey was the other assistant coach under Galligan with Jimmy Cotter and Paul Hunter

    2. I repost this at the end so that our erudite man of letters who remembered “Rexicana” won’t miss it:

    Right on . . .Rexicana . . .oh the pretty girls from all over Boston, South Shore and the slow dances . . .and the brawls . . .outside a legendary clash on a dirt road . . a set row between Milton’s Musclemen’s best, Jackie O, and Savie’s best Rima, a.k.a., “Big John.” . . .who won never mattered . . .the fact they voluntarily dueled in bloody good form with six Savie guys and ten Milton guys as eyewitnesses . . .scrappers each and everyone . . .is all that matters . . those boys had balls . . .and we all had fun . . .mano a mano . . .mano di pietro (hands of stone) . . .of course my Spanish is wrong . . .we were young men at 16,17….most highschool football, wrestling, boxing, weights, and not a few doing judo and mma-type training . . in gyms, in cellars, in back yards, on Sagamore and Saxton Streets and Columbia Road and Blue Hill Ave and Dot Ave . . .what fond memories…..THE REXACANA . . . .”SHE WORE BLUE VELVET . . .

  26. PTSD . . . .most combat vets live long healthy sane lives and are better/stronger for their hard service and sacrifices. As MacArthur said, Old soldiers never die, they just fade away.

    Same is true of all the old high school-college-pro football, hockey, boxing athletes I grew up and know . . (Like Danny Sullivan, all-pro lineman Baltimore Colts; and all the O’Shea Brothers (golden gloves/pugilists: Maughn, Paul, Billy, Justin great fighters . . .Danny ran track…all the best) .their intense physical action in their youth (teens-twenties-thirties) made them even stronger, healthier as adults and senior citizens.

    I wouldn’t hesitate to get young men and women (boys and girls, say over 13, into boxing, football, hockey, lacrosse, wrestling, . . .any contact sports . . . )
    I remember boxing with head gear at 14-15 . . .both coaches were intercollegiate boxing champions . . .sometimes we got pounded . . . but the number of miles we ran each day, the number of pushups we did each day (hundreds)and sit-ups (hundreds) and neck strengthening exercises, limbering up, loosening up, shadow-boxing, skipping rope, hitting the bag, back and neck muscles got extremely strong . . .PROTECTED US FROM PTSD

    Vast majority of athletes in contact sports and vast majority of combat veterans are BETTER/STRONGER/HEALTHIER over the lifetime for their sacrifices.

    And to be even a good High School athlete is a tremendous sacrifice in time and effort . . .

    Nitsche (not Raymond, the other guy) said “That which does not destroy me, makes me stronger.”

    We had a high school football coach, Ted Galligan, assts. JImmy Cotter, Frank – & Paul Hunter (all former college athletes under Ted a former WWII Navy Captain or something) and TED Galligan made us do 30-plus minutes of warm-up “exercises” on the field in full uniform before we started “practice.” That fitness served us well in the last quarter and last minutes of the games and in life . . .

    my teammates, regular guys, went on to become surgeons, psychiatrists, psychologists, lawyers, teachers, businessmen, military men, engineers, laborers, etc., fathers and granddads, and recovering alkies and recovering druggies who hit the pits but bounced back . . .their PERSEVERANCE throughout life in dealing with success and failure and treating those “two impostors” the same, is attributed greatly to the time/effort spent in intense contact sports like football . . .

  27. and Matt the Rapper was last heard saying not knowing….

    “ it’s a jungle out there makes me wonder how I keep from going under “

    in other Irish Spring newest

    Parkland School Shooting: Top 10 Reasons for Deeper Interrogation

    By James F. Tracy
    Global Research, February 25, 2018

    Over the past several years certain certain US mass shootings receive round-the-clock coverage yet often possess curious features which are ignored and merely accepted “as reported” by less-than-trustworthy corporate media. Bizarre circumstance and the sometimes inexplicable actions

    also see

    in other Maine Newes……

  28. Wa-llahi! Some of you guys are all fucked-up about this military shit. You gotta imagine a twenty something lieutenant ordering you to do something that will, obviously, get you killed. No, man, all this stuff you glorify is pure bullshit, a Hollywood war movie. Am I lying? Combat vets sound off.

  29. Enter the police-a school under siege from a mad gunman. When they enter they are confronted with numerous individuals brandishing firearms. Do they shoot them all and sort it out later? Policies should be implemented by the local authorities as agreed upon by all the actors.

    1. J don’t know what’s cooking with you, Bill, but, it’s not traumatic shock. I’d like to be able to describe the symptoms of PTSD, but, I’m at an unusual loss for big words. All I know is you run, man, as fast as you can, from whatever is freaking you out. You go to a spot inside yourself, where, you’ll be safe. The problem is, it’s very hard to come back from that place. You’re locked in, until, the threat passes, and, that might be a very long time, maybe, a life time.

      1. The problem with you Khalid is you don’t realize that I am at peace with myself and my family and lifelong friends, and I’m proud to say I have 100 or more lifelong friends.

        Plus,as a former Navy Officer (USPHS-LT-03 and Med-Student) I’ve seen my share of shrinks and they’ve all declared me “Fit for Duty.”

        In other words, Khalid, unlike you, I suspect, I am “cerfitiably sane.”

        Here’s my advice to you: Stop Pretending You’re Hard . . .Lots of men who”ve never been to prison are a lot tougher than most men who have . .

        Think of Army Rangers or Navy Seals or the best fighters in Southie, Savie, Fieldsy, Mattapan, Oak Square, North End, Eastie . . .think of suburban guys from Newton like Joe DiNucci, or from Brookline like Paul Bender or from Lowell like Irish Mickey Ward . .think of all the pro boxers (great athletes, good men) we knew and hung around with growing up and all the golden glove champions from our neighborhoods and all the young men who volunteered for the Army and Marine Corps etc during the height of the Vietnam War and all the good women, nurses, doctors, who followed them into war zones, like Sue Larsen, our friend the flight surgeon or Mary Lou . . .our friend who served Uncle Sam first then spent the rest of her life serving drug addicts in and around L. A. . . . .think of all the hours all those men and women who became surgeons and pediatricians and family physicians in urban and rural areas put into their studies and practices to serve us . . .their fellow human beings . . .

        And Khalid wants to throw stones at them and tear down America . . .and Khalid, who spews hatred of America and Americans, accuses others of having a hole in their hearts/souls

        Lighten up, Khalid . . .See the Light . . .Face the Music . . .you’re on the losing side of history . . .the Commies’ side

          1. Mother Teresa might have been the toughest person ever. I think she was. I disagree with some of her tenets but know that for real toughness few can compare.

            1. The Missionary Position : Mother Teresa In Theory And Practice . – – -Christopher Hitchens’ devastating essay on The Big Mo .

          2. I read Hitchens thoughts on Mother Teresa. He makes a lot of valid points, but she was still one tough old Saint.

            1. She was a Gangsta of Love . There’s no arguin’ with that type of Gangsta . Holy Sister of Mercy !

        1. Wa-llahi! Actually, I wasn’t thinking of you, Bill, or, Abe for that matter. Just musing about PTSD. Its strange on this particular blog, that folks wouldn’t understand about the crotch. Damn peculiar, makes me wonder.

          1. What …. You are following me around like a puppy again , Khalid . First , you have to work at it to interpolate your fretting asides between two comments of mine . Now, the stated recipient of your crotch fixation , Bill C . , turns out not to the recipient at all , nor Abe , just nameless antagonists who don’t get your whole PTSD crotch thesis on the blog . You are confused . Hector your blog whipping boys with your absurd re-gurgitated Marxist rantings and be treated courteously in return . Again , I have searched thee . You are PNG . Let our Latin scholars rally to the acronym challenged . In the meantime due me the favor of not tampering with my remarks on this blog .

            1. Now the stated recipient of your crotch fixation , Bill C . , * turns out not to be the recipient at all … Xcederin Xcederin .

              1. And Khalid , tis ‘ indeed strange that a vaunted college instructor like yourself, who has challenged your favorite butt for your ineffable wisdom , Bill C. , his credentials , his education , his beliefs , his writing style , should err thusly ( and not for the first time , many times ) : ” ITS STRANGE THAT PEOPLE ON THIS BLOG … ”

                Can you see it yet , Perfessor , what grade will you give yourself ?

                Yes , Khalid , it’s damn peculiar . But no wonder , at this stage , at all .

  30. I’ve witnessed shootings; I’ve seen the effect of gunshot wounds, inside and outside hospitals, in hospitals and on the streets, and I would not hesitate to arm myself to the fullest extent the law allows. For deterrence. To protect, life, limb, family, property and to have peace of mind.

    You know the book Cattle Kingdom (2017)? Everyone in the Wild West was armed. The murder rate was the same in the West West as in New York City and other urban areas in the late 19th century.

    Khalid, when President Jefferson met with Native-American chiefs from the Midwest he advised them to seek peace and avoid war with the Americans; Jefferson said, “We are as numerous as the leaves on the trees; and we are all gunmen.”

    The idea is to keep the guns in the hands of the good men and women, and out of the hands of the bad guys and lunatics.

    Guns in the home/school in the right hands (ex-army, ex-police; trained civilians) can be a good thing: a deterrent.

    1. “I’ve witnessed shootings; I’ve seen the effect of gunshot wounds, inside and outside hospitals, in hospitals and on the streets, and I would not hesitate to arm myself to the fullest extent the law allows. For deterrence. To protect, life, limb, family, property and to have peace of mind.”

      Same here plus, I have been shot. In Virginia it is easy to get a carry permit as long as you are not a bad guy. I am in an area where rabid animals are not uncommon so I originally got a carry permit for the off chance my wife and I ran into a rabid beast. We spent a huge amount of time outdoors and four rabid animals have been collected by animal control officers within a mile of our house.

      In the 24 years since moving here, crime has increased enough so that I was more comfortable with a gun than without. I would only use it in self defense of myself or another innocent person being accosted in what I would consider a lethal assault. Not an easy decision, I know, but I’m not going to be that guy that could have but didn’t. It is within my means to protect myself and I am willing to take on that responsibility.

      There are about 350,000 El Salvadorians in this area and 99% of them are good, hard working people. The other 1% not so much. MS13 are active and usually only kill and maim each other, the machete often their weapon of choice. Usually. Plus we have lots of gangs that are big into robbery and those events often end badly for the victims.

      Guns are used properly and misused, but they are here and aren’t going anywhere. To sit back and wish them away is foolish. The protests going on now are justified but must be taken within the context of what is real. We have more guns than people and a lot of folks on both sides are not agreeable to the current demands. Its a problem. Starting with the banning of specific types of guns is plausible but is only the first tiny step. And the gun lobby has to stop pushing the idea that is will lead to the total ban of any firearm. I hear that constantly from my gun loving friends. Its pathetic and impedes the progress on all fronts.

  31. Most folks who have witnessed a shooting, and, seen the effects of gun shot wounds, are in no hurry to go buy a gun. The NRA is so wrong. Now that it’s become a standard bearer for fascism/Trumpism, NRA’s’ dreadful propaganda has become even worse.

  32. Try enforcing existing gun laws before launching new ones

    “Remember a little more than five years ago to protect himself against political backlash, President Obama handed the molten gun-control debate to Vice President Joe Biden to honcho new restrictions through Congress so school shootings would never happen again? Nothing.”

  33. Trump’s next ploy will be to arm all the students. This can be called the “Archie Bunker” solution. When asked how he would handle the hi-jackers last century, Archie said “Simple-arm the passengers. Those guys won’t try anything if they know everybody is packin’.” The vision flashed through my mind of three hundred people firing away in an aluminum tube at thirty thousand feet. I laughed gruesomely. I know I’m kind of sick.

  34. Wa-llahi! How about Manaforte? Is he a Russian agent, or, just, a traitor?

    If it’s door number one, the Russians will try to spirit him away, making it crucial that Mueller present a compelling argument to deny him further bail. If he was merely a corrupt bourgeois, he would have, already, betrayed Glorious Leader. The Kremlin has Manaforte on a very short leash. He could well be their main man in the suborning of the Trump campaign.

    1. Likely just a money launderer/tax evader. The charges are for actions predating the Trump campaign. Maybe the Mueller team is soliciting perjury. One of his attorneys is noted for that. Forget his name at the moment.

  35. The even more despicable thing I am now seeing is people on social media calling the victims of these shootings “Crisis Actors,” and claiming it is all a fake attempt to have the government confiscate all weapons.

  36. “You are not special. You’re not a beautiful and unique snowflake. You’re the same decaying organic matter as everything else. We’re all part of the same compost heap. We’re all singing, all dancing crap of the world.” ― Chuck Palahniuk, Fight Club

  37. A couple of thoughts: I think the use of AR-15s and their ilk should be confined to the police and the military. Wishful thinking, to be sure, but that’s the direction we should be headed in.

    The idea of arming 6,000 schoolteachers is deeply stupid. “Oops! Miss Hughes accidentally discharged her .357 magnum in kindergarten class.”

    Still waiting for NRA tough guy Wayne LaPierre to put in a personal appearance at one of those showdowns between the heavily armed bad guy and the heavily armed good guy that he keeps blabbering about. This view of events seems to rest on the assumption that the good guy always wins and that the good guy (or the bad guy, or both) never fires wildly killing innocent civilians.

  38. Always got a kick out of Dapper plugging a would be robber , who had a knife , in Amrhein’s parking lot , early nineties . It seems the peerless Dap perceived that he was the aggrieved party , and though the situation was in hand , once the man who would have been Suffolk County Sheriff if not for Reagan’s infidelity pulled his gat , the Dap shot him on principle . Who knew Machine Gun Kelly had an extremely unhappy childhood !

  39. Etymology is a fun pursuit. You find that words have multiple meanings, often in conflict with each other, hence the seeming disparities. It is the basis of much humor with variations of double entendres. The differing roots are usually not related. Indeed they can be spread on the basis of discordant imagery. Thus, attempts to equate them are opportunistic and silly.

    An example of this would be attaching the late 20th century sense of snowflake derived from mocking people who touted every individual as being special with a mid 19th century way of describing one issue abolitionists. This done by those who think that the race card is the Democrat’s last best argument. The two usages are not connected. Gun rights are not a race issue. Nice try though.

    “…Policemen who are required to carry because of their job and the loose gun laws that often put them up against guns…” Get real. That is a howler. Should policemen in Chicago go unarmed because strict gun laws there render them unneeded? Not many gun crimes are committed legal guns. Nor are many committed by long guns. Hence, the emphasis on rifles by gun control freaks. High crime areas have the most onerous gun laws, laws that are useless and often unenforced.

    “Loose gun laws” could better be described as Liberty under the Constitution.

    Aside, in addressing the sorrowful events in Florida you might mention teachers, leftist ones like a Sarah Lerner at the school in question. She is using confidential school records to obtain student cell phone numbers and to contact them in order to pressure them into attending political rallies of her liking. This contravenes the code of conduct for teachers.

    Is it child abuse to to abuse private government records? Is it child abuse to coerce students into being props or posters? The actions of an authority figure such as a high school teacher always have a strong element of coercion in them. Sarah Lerner should be fired and barred for life from teaching.

    If there is one lesson that will once again be drawn from the school massacre it is that no one will be held responsible. Not the school counselors, not the school administrators, not the professionals who drugged up a kid with brain altering chemicals, not a pharmaceutical company that peddles nostrums, not the local police and most certainly not a single sacrosanct FBI employee. After all a clear path to a secured pension for all is far more important than the lives of 17 children. Ask any Democrat politician.

    1. “Is it child abuse to to abuse private government records? Is it child abuse to coerce students into being props or posters? The actions of an authority figure such as a high school teacher always have a strong element of coercion in them. Sarah Lerner should be fired and barred for life from teaching.”

      I can’t answer your questions, but I can positively say that murdering a child while that child is attending public school IS child abuse. Putting a slug in a child’s brain is coercion. I’d give Sarah Lerner an A+ for effort.

      1. It is not coercion, it is murder.

        Did your mother ever mention that two wrongs don’t make a right? Criminals should not be given an A+ for effort. In this case the perp [a pussymarcher, btw] should be given a pink slip. Would you give the same pass for a teacher who is promoting the Second Amendment? Rules should be applied to fanatics as well as to the law-biding.

    2. Tad: Chicago has always had tough gun laws. The problem is with Indiana, a state with almost no gun sale restrictions. If the Hoosier State gun stores were shut down, Chicago could get some relief from the blood-letting. Tad, didn’t we discuss this before? I grew up in Chicago. Everyone in the city knows where the guns come from.

  40. Bill, I can tell from what you’ve written that you haven’t been in many life risking altercations. My friend Richard Moe Morris, !st Cav VN veteran of forty chopper assaults, says:

    “Fighting is something you do with a gun, preferably, an automatic weapon. All the rest is just sports.”

    1. Khalid, I can tell you that you are dead wrong. I don’t want to scare you or Matt’s readers with my real life eyewitness first hand experiences, nor show you my battle scars, broken, cracked bones. Did you mean was I ever in combat in Vietnam? No, I was not. Did you mean did I ever have guns held on me with mean intent or been in the presence of gunfire, the answer is yes, on multiple occassions. Knives held on me? multiple occassions; fistfights on the streets, in the combat zone, in clubs, barrooms, about 100 times. I ask my lifelong friend Tom Tucker, a Vietnam Combat Veteran, “Tommy, were we in 100 fist fights (fists, feet, bats, bottles, aerials, etc) between the ages of 16 and 23?” Tommy thought for a while, then said, “More money.”
      As we got into our mid to late 20s and early 30s, the confrontations got more serious.

      But you know, Khalid, from what I write, that I was never in a life-threatening situation. Dream on! Let’s party . .let’s rock & roll . . .talk to some kids from Southie and Dorchester from the 1960s-1970s who frequented the Intermssion Lounge or Bulldogs or the Teddy Bear Lounge or the Town & Country in Mattapan or what’s that place in Marshield, or those places in Stoughton, or those bars along Dot ave and East-West Broadway or L-Street or M-Street or better yet have a new beers in Oak Square or dance at the Metropolitan across from St. E’s inBrighton or at Beaconsfield in Brookline . . .they had nice dances . . .and the Brighton boys put some Dot boys in the E.R. after a scrimmage in a back alley with two teams of scrappers . .

      Ore here;s an invite:Go back to the ’60s and ’70s and visit the North End pool or let’s of bars and be some kids from Dot, or visit St. Pat’s Parade on St. Pat’s Day and have your head inflated ( I said your head not your ego) to twice its side by the Southie KIds who didn’t take to Dot kids acting up on Saint Patty’s Holy Day

      Oh, and I haven’t even mentioned any of the gangsters or gunmen . . .I’m just talking aobut the regular kids from the neighborhoods . .

      Of course, no one died or was in a life-threatening situation growing up in Dorchester, South Boston or who hung out some nights in the Combat Zone . . .not a soul . . .

      1. That would be Mr.Clancy’s Rexicana Ballroom in Rexhame ( Marshfield ) there , Spanky .

        1. Right on . . .Rexicana . . .oh the pretty girls from all overBoston South Shore and the slow dances . . .and the brawls . . .outside a legendary clash on a dirt road . . a set row between Milton’s Musclemen’s best, Jackie O, and Savie’s best Rima, a.k.a., “Big John.” . . .who won never mattered . . .the fact they voluntarily dueled in bloody good form with six Savie guys and ten Milton guys as eyewitnesses . . .scrappers each and everyone . . .is all that matters . . those boys had balls . . .and we all had fun . . .mano a mano . . .mano di pietro (hands of stone) . . .of course my Spanish is wrong . . .we were young men at 16,17….most highschool football, wrestling, boxing, weights, and not a few doing judo and mma-type training . . in gyms, in cellars, in back yards, on Sagamore and Saxton Streets and Columbia Road and Blue Hill Ave and Dot Ave . . .what fond memories…..THE REXACANA . . . .”SHE WORE BLUE VELVET . . .

          1. You bring back good memories of scraps on Foster Road . That is the dirt road . That was Tom Clancy’s Rexicana Ballroom , and on Saturday nights, by the time the drummer was beating the tattoo to WIPEOUT , you knew that something was going to be going off .

            1. REXICANA BALLROOM … Sung by Kevin Connolly … YouTube ( MarshVegas ! )

        1. I have a groin’ feeling that I must wrangle a stray nitwit . # boilerplate nitwit nonsense .

  41. Good questions.

    I remember tough kids from my neighborhood, unarmed, who disarmed armed wise guys and gave them beatings, with their fists, of a lifetime, not to be forgotten. Good lessons: don’t pull guns and knives on tough kids with fast hands.

    I remember another very tough young friend who told a gunman to stick that gun up his . . .and the gunman backed down

    I know another guy, a tough young man who saw a man holding up a friend in a gym with a big black handgun, and the tough young man, who just stepped out of the showers and was ballicky naked, aimed his bare index finger at the gunman and started shouting “pow, pow, pow” and started laughing and the gunman, no coward he either, saw several unarmed young men gathering and wisely decided to back out of the gym.

    So, yes, many very tough young men never carried guns. But some did and some today still do, legally, with permits, retired police, former U. S. Marines, for protection of themselves, families, property and I’m glad they do and I’m glad a lot of the good guys are walking the streets of Boston with handguns on them.

    One final story: In all the newspapers: @1970 1968: two young men armed with a rifle/shotgun and pistols enter a tavern in Fields Corner; “Give us all your money” they shout. There are 8 customers in the bar that morning . . .4 pull pistols and shoot the two armed robbers dead on the spot . . .no charges filed against the 4 . . .I heard through the grapevine that only 3 of 4 had a concealed carry permit, but, under the circumstances, Boston’s Finest let the fourth slide.

    Yes. As a conservative, I’m in favor of the 2nd Amendment and in favor of better/stronger gun control laws.

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