Mike Pence’s prediction that by Memorial Day we would, “largely have this coronavirus epidemic behind us” is proving wishful thinking.
Had Pence said (and by the way rumors of him having contracted Covid-19 himself were widespread over the week ) “by Memorial Day any hope that Americans would use their common sense and recognize the dangers from this virus is still extant” then he would have been right on the mark.
The doors and beaches are open; limits are being lifted here and there, the incidences of wearing masks has fallen remarkably, and people are being lured out of their houses to mix and play. Houses of worship are being told to ignore their state rules and open up as if it was the good old days.
We won’t sink as fast as the Titantic I figure. But unless somehow someone made a deal with Covid-19 to go easy on American scofflaws we’ll certainly sink. Most of an ice berg is below the surface; most of the deadly cases of Covid-19 are lurking near by.
You can see the bad trend in the weekly reports of positive cases. As I said last week I’m not happy following the death rates because I believe they are being monkeyed around with by the states. Several news media reports have clearly shown this.
The United States saw an increase of 9.46% in positive cases a week ago and this week showed a 9.91% increase over last week. Yet despite the steady and slightly up rate of positive cases the average weekly death rate went from 1,479 two weeks ago to 1,194 last week. I’m not sure how that makes much sense.
The five states with the greatest percentage increase in cases were Minnesota,North Dakota, Virginia, North Carolina and Arkansas.
The five states with the least percentage increase were Hawaii, Vermont, Montana, New York, and Alaska. What is New York doing being in with those sparsely populated states? It would seem that the states that have been more heavily hit have been bringing their percentage increase down.
Others in the lowest percentage increase group are: New Jersey (5.77%), Michigan (6.66%) Washington (7.03%), Idaho (7/03%), and Massachusetts (8.22%)
It is interesting that the daily average in new positive cases is around 22,500 cases for the last two weeks. This is a clear indication that the positive cases are not coming down. This is happening in the face of the states which have historically had the most cases are now reporting less and less. This means other part of the country are picking up the slack. That’s not a good sign and doesn’t point to a diminishing of the virus. Yet, almost all states are relaxing as if we have beaten it.
I’m afraid we will be seeing a resurgence of case in the coming days. The country is acting delusional as if the matter is behind us. Don’t be fooled. It isn’t.
9/11 and Other Deep State Crimes Teleconference
wtc7 pentagon
Draft agenda for May 27, 2020
8 p.m. (ET) / 5 p.m. (PT) teleconference dial-in #
(605) 313-4118 Access code: 464958#
[Note: Some telephone service providers block access to this teleconference service, or require additional charges. If you encounter any of these difficulties, please try calling this alternative number: (425) 535-9195. You will then be required to key in the original phone number above before entering the access code. Please inform of us of any technical difficulties you encounter in accessing the teleconference.]
Greetings all,
Our agenda for tomorrow night’s teleconference will begin with a few words on the passing of our devoted member and friend, James Hufferd. We’ll hear from Lin Cornelison, who for 14 years organized and set up the meetings for the Iowa 9/11 Truth group with James.
Our next speaker is Xander Arena, who has been a member of the teleconference for a number of years. He is a radiology worker specializing in nuclear medicine and leader of AE911Truth’s verification team. He will be speaking to us about who might be behind the Covid-19 pandemic and some related issues.
And our third speaker is Tom Hillcutts, who has a degree in biophysics from Rice University and is the principal member of the law firm Willcutts & Habib in Hartford, CT. As a trial attorney, Tom has extensive experience handling product liability cases, where product manufacturers commonly employ scientific “hired gun” experts to obscure the truth about the dangers of a particular product. It is Tom’s opinion that such tactics were employed in support of the media campaign to discredit any questioning that the Covid-19 virus evolved naturally from an animal species, as opposed to it being developed in laboratory.
This will be followed by announcements as usual.
We hope you can join us for what should be a very interesting call.
Cheryl Curtiss
Craig McKee
DRAFT AGENDA for Wednesday May 27, 2020 teleconference
I Roll call/minutes approval (copied below)/agenda approval (5 min)
II On the passing of James Hufferd [Lin Cornelison] (10 min., incl. Q&A)
III Covid-19 [Xander Arena] (20 min. + discussion)
IV Another Covid-19 perspective [Tom Hillcutts] 20 min. + Q&A)
V Open discussion, time permitting
VI Announcements
VII Updates on 9/11 topics (as needed)
New articles, books, films, or recent news about 9/11 or other Deep State crimes
9/11 and the Deep State on the legal front, including current adjudicatory efforts by Lawyers for 9/11 Inquiry, JASTA, 28 pages, William Pepper’s efforts with AE911Truth against NIST and the Dept. of Commerce
Censorship and cognitive infiltration: new examples of censorship or harassment of members of the Truth community; MSM treatment of 9/11 Truth
Google (et al.) censorship
9/11 Truth political candidates
VIII Adjournment
Since Matt hasn’t posted anything the last few days, I post this for your edification:
American Playboy: The Hugh Hefner Story
2017 ‧ Political drama: 10 episodes, about six hours viewing time.
I saw it last night, Sunday, of Memorial Day weekend. An excellent recap of the times, especially the ‘60s and ‘70s. I think it was episode 9 that dealt with the FED’s false persecutorial prosecution of Bobby Arnstein, Hef’s longtime assistant, on phony drug trafficking charges. Under relentless pressure she committed suicide, leaving a deathbed note still proclaiming her innocence, and the innocence of Hef/Playboy. Of course, the corrupt FEDs were pressuring her to get dirt on Hef; they even told her they’d heard she was being targeted for assassination but they’d give her Federal Protection if she cooperated. What bullying gangsters! Just like the Jihadi Javert Fred Wyshak and his office (in Jan 2014 the corrupt bum Wyshak, perhaps the most unethical lawyer I’ve read about in American History, was promoted to head, get this: “The Public Corruption and Special Investigations Office” of Boston’s Justice Department.
It was Wyshak who falsely prosecuted John Connolly in Miami and falsely prosecuted the Probation Officers in Boston (maliciously so, I say), and it was Wyshak’s Cohorts who drove the young intellect Aaron Scwartz to suicide in January 2017 and it was Wyshak’s Office who drove State Senator Brian Joyce to suicide (Coronor’s Report: Dec. 2018: overdose of phenobarbitals.). I had read the 130 page indictment of Joyce and my immediate reaction was “Garbage”; the corrupt power-abusing over-fed FEDs are basically accusing Joyce of practicing law while being a state senator, I’d said and written back then. Of course, they persecuted Brian Joyce, drove him to the edge of Bankruptcy: he and his wife and five children.
See American Playboy, the movie on Amazon, and read this from Wikipedia regarding the maliciously false indictment of Joyce: Of course, the FEDs bankrupt most persons they infamously indict, forcing the innocent to admit guilt, forcing others to perjury by cutting deals with serial killers, drug pushers, and even other innocents they threaten.
WIKIPEDIA: “In December 2017, Joyce was indicted by a Federal grand jury on charges he collected over $1 million in bribes and kickbacks that he laundered through his law office and another personal business.[13]
Legal experts have expressed doubt over the merit of the charges against Joyce, and many of the governments’ allegations were later disproven.[14][15] Prosecutors’ attempt to disqualify Joyce’s attorney was met with alarm by members of the Boston legal community, who viewed it as an unprecedented infringement on a defendant’s Sixth Amendment rights.”
There is deep rot in the FEDs, deep rot in the Deep State, deep rot in the FEDs’ Prosecutors’ Office in Boston and the Federal Courthouse in Boston (A veritable Den of Iniquity among jurists who side with Wyshak’s Office and do its bidding, uncorrected via due process or fair trials) and the rot has extended since especially the late 1990s to the highest echelons of the DOJ, FBI, and DEA, including to men like Comey and Muellar, who sat on top then, and/or their acolytes who advised them, and who early on cooked up the corrupt “rogue agent” theory, knowing there was only one rogue agent, John Morris, who turned Fed witness, entering their “witness protection program”, getting off Scot-free, like the serial killers the FEDs coddled, and the FEDs used Morris and others as fodder to blast innocent persons.
HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY, my friend Charlie Benedict, placed American Flags on all the monuments at Boston College honoring veteran alumni who have fallen in service to our country. Charlie, a Vietnam Vet, does this every year. The last name on one large monument honoring those alumni who died in service in all of America’s Wars going back to the Civil War (BC was founded in 1863) is DAVID S. CONNOLLY of Newton, MA, helicopter pilot killed in Ghazni, Afghanistan on April 6, 2005. Major David S. Connolly’s military awards and decorations: Bronze Star; Meritorious Service Medal; Army Commendation Medal; Army Achievement Medal; Army Reserve Comp. Achievement Medal; National Defense Service Medal; Global War on Terror Expeditionary Medal; Global War on Terror Service Medal; Armed Forces Reser.
How many co-morbidities in the flu stats? If you quote them in one stat, you must quote them in the other or the numbers are useless–except for propaganda.
Good point!
We know some prior flus struck young people (under 30) and/or children.
It would be interesting to see in all past seasons since 2018 Big One, what percent of flu deaths were in folks with co morbidities, or pre-existing illnesses, and what percent were in perfectly healthy folks.
Some one should splice that data out and inform us, We, the Hoi Polloi, the average citizens.
In all of this, even in science, I see reports that seem slanted for political or socio-political effects.
You are correct, Hutch, we should have more OBJECTIVE REPORTING.
Correction: since 1918, the Big One
While most of us have had seasonal flues . . .and I’ve had a few and when I’ve gotten one: gastrointestinal (N/V etc) or respiratory (cough, fever, chills) I FELT LIKE I WAS DYING for a day or two. I suspect, however, that the vast majority of those who do die are those with pre-existing illnesses (co-morbidities.) Mostly it is the flu-plus that kills us; the flu and an already compromised immune system or an already weakened body, I’d suggest. BUT LET’S SEE THE DATA.
Unsubscribe. You lost me. Hope you admit when you are wrong soon.
An explanation of Rt:
As far as States with different reporting requirements for deaths, I recently learned that States for every have had different methods of reporting deaths.
As far as some media sources reporting something, remember many media sources reported for nearly three years that there was Russian Collusion. Be wary of anything you read in Today’s leftist MSM or hear on Today’s leftist cable/tv news outlets
The biased propagandizing has become grotesque
Cases are staying steady, because we are testing more people. Among those tested positive are those who had no symptoms or had mild symptoms, so they barely even noticed contacting Covid2.
It makes perfect sense that the death rate is going down, because far fewer tested positive require hospitalization, and far fewer testing positive die/ PERFECTLY SENSIBLE.
CONSIDER THIS TOO, as the Epidemic is largely behind us: Pennsylvania, a big state, near New York and New York City (NYC was the epicenter for the Eastern Half of America, or at least for what’s called the ACELA CORRIDOR) NYC & immediate environs, surrounding counties, count for more than half the deaths in the USA) . . .as I started to say Pennsylvania has how many Covid Deaths for people under age 30 . . . .the ANSWER IS, wait for it, ZERO
yoU SEE, WE NOW UNDERSTAND COVID IS A VIRUS THAT ATTACKS MOSTLY THE ELDERLY WITH PRE EXISTING CONDITIONS this is the vulnerable population, the nursing home, hospice, terminally ill, severely ill ELDERLY …….the risk of young people under forty or fifty and especially under thirty dying from Covid is miniscule, UNLESS they too have severe comorbidities ASTHMA, OBESITY, DIABETES, CARDIOVASCULAR, ET ALL
The recent openings and relaxing of restrictions indicates it is behind us
Can it resurge, yes, and it’s possible a new variant could hit us, or the same variant could hit us in the fall.
If there are embers or flare ups, we now know how to extinguish them and control them and limit their effect
CDC, NEWS MAY 22: The CDC admitted this week that the mortality ratio for the COVID-19 virus (0.27%) is about the same as the mortality rate of the 1957-1958 flu epidemic. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/hcp/planning-scenarios-h.pdf …, The CDC concedes the infection fatality ratio (IFR of) “Covid19/Wuhan flu” is = 0.27%*, almost = to 1957-58 pandemic H2N2 flu in U.S., i.e., 0.26%. There were no lockdowns in those years. In those years, ’57-58, from 77,000 to 116,000 died in the United States.
The US population in 1957 was 177 million — or about half of the current population. In 1957-1958 that flu caused 1 to 2 million deaths worldwide.
Moreover, the seasonal flu this year (2019-20) killed an estimated 24,000 to 62,000 Americans.
The World Health Organization estimates that 290,000 to 650,000 die from the seasonal flu each year across the globe.
The coronavirus has reportedly killed 97,184 Americans mostly seniors and those with co-morbidities.
Globally the virus has killed 337,992 individuals.
How many contradictions can be fit into one post?
name one
What are you, blind?