One thing absolutely beyond any doubt is that the MEMO does not, as Trump wrote, “This memo totally vindicates ‘Trump’ in probe.” It has no effect at all on the probe no matter how you twist or turn it. The reason Trump is so wrong is there is great doubt that he read the three and a half…
Author: mtc9393
Dissecting the MEMO: Establishing Probable Cause
My career as a prosecutor involved doing more wiretaps than all other prosecutors both state and federal combined in Massachusetts for somewhere between five and ten years straight. I also taught search and seizure law to police officers and was involved in supervising and compiling hundreds of matters involving wiretaps, searches and seizures. The first…
Dissecting the MEMO: Carter Page “U.S Citizen?” or “Russia Stooge?”
The MEMO talks about Carter Page the subject of a FISA warrant. According to the MEMO: “Page is a U.S. citizen who served as a volunteer advisor to the Trump presidential campaign.” A better description would be “a Russian stooge who worked to undermine U.S. citizens.” What is it that we know about Page? Is it because…
FBI Agent John Connolly’s Death Sentence: Trump’s Russia Cover-up
Nothing has spelled the doom of FBI Special Agent John Connolly’s hope to be released from his unjust, and cruel and unusual sentence to a Florida prison than Trump’s desire to stop the investigation of his involvement with Russia. The plan concocted by the White House and Chairman Devin Nunes of the House intelligence committee…
Thoughts On Super Bowl Sunday: There is No Winner
Notice how Russia’s our friend and enemy. How we seem to use it any way we please. Sometimes friend and sometime foe Depending on the way the wind blows. The other day three top Russian spies We’re welcomed here to our surprise Why they were here we were not told I would guess something…
Is Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson a Clone of Whitey Bulger?
I heard him say it. I’m talking about Senator Ron Johnson a Republican from Wisconsin. Really I heard him says: “What this is all about is further evidence of corruption, more than bias. Corruption of the highest levels of the FBI. The secret society — we have an informant talking about a group that was…