Has it always been this way? Or is it the by-product of the National Football League’s (NFL) intrusion into our lives that is making us believe things we never believed in the past? A while ago I was talking to one of the young bright women in my extended family who does well running her…
Author: mtc9393
The Naïvetéof Joan Vennochi: Or Is She as Sly as a Vixen
The headline of her article read: “Why is the FBi so slow on Clinton e-mail probe?” James Comey the FBI director met with FBI agents in Buffalo, New York, and a “host of other law enforcement agents” and told them things like “I hope people have realized how screwed up ISIL is..” Maybe it is…
Go To Ireland, Young Man; To Ireland. Tawdry Happenings in Boston: Alas for Senator Joyce
It is shocking how the Boston U.S. Attorney’s office is passing on information to the Boston Globe during a grand jury investigation. At one time these matters were supposed to be secret. Not in Boston; and not for a long time. Rule 6 of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure reads: “The Grand Jury: (e)(2)…
A Question for Americans: Why Have You Turned Your Backs on That Special Something Called Decency
I like to think that the demise began when President Clinton abused Monica Lewinsky in the White House and his actions were openly talked about in the news media. How horrific it was to see the president of our nation telling a lie in front of millions when he said he did not have sex…
How the Boston U.S. Attorney Victimized the Families of Whitey Bulger’s Victims
The move was as smooth as an old fashion Smoothie. It glided past the victim’s families as easily as the Old Smoothies of Ice Capades times twirled past the crowd gathered in Boston Garden. It was the ultimate bait and switch; a perfect execution of the Three Cup Monte; legerdemain that rivaled that of the great Houdini. Rarely…
It Wasn’t Supposed to Be this Way in America
I write mostly about things involving our criminal justice system but do venture into other areas. Doing this gives me a larger canvas from which to paint my opinions. Sometimes what is happening elsewhere brings things happening in the criminal justice system into a better light. It must be apparent to anyone who has followed…