In Boston and its environs two cruel groups of men existed. They preyed upon others, most of whom were involved in illegal businesses themselves. They developed a system whereby they would oversee the illegal activities of others and provide security and protection for them in exchange for tribute payments. One group, LCN, consisted of men…
Category: Massachusetts Justice System
In examining this case it is necessary to look at different aspects of the justice system to give people a better understanding of what is going on.
Whitey Weekend Wrap: June 15, 2013: Photos, Guns, Bookies, Dreams
I truly think as strange as this may sound that the prosecutors have already won the case. I’d suggest they go back and review what they plan to do, cut it to the core and move on as rapidly as they can to the end so that the jurors will not forget what happened this…
Are The Birds Coming Home To Roost?
Martin Niemöller (1892-1984) was a prominent Protestant pastor who emerged as an outspoken public foe of Adolf Hitler and spent the last seven years of Nazi rule in concentration camps. He wrote: First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out– Because I was not a Socialist. Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and…
Jury Nullification: It’s A Grand Old Tradition
I was going through an FBI list looking to see if I could find any information on Arthur Flegenheimer. I didn’t find it under that name. So I went looking under the pseudonym he used. I didn’t find him there. I thought perhaps because he was a big gangster back in 1935 the list wouldn’t include…

Into Carney’s Trap The Smiling Prosecutors Strolled
When those who occupy the offices of the U.S. Attorney in Boston heard that they had prevailed and that Judge Casper supported Judge Stearns’s decision that Whitey Bulger’s lawyers Carney and Brennan (C&B) of the law firm of Carney and Bassil were prohibited from presenting an immunity defense at trial, joy bounced throughout that office….
Carney’s Last Stand:
What do we make of J.W. Carney seeming to be trapped in the middle of a crumbling defense with the walls tumbling down all about him and not getting up from the ground and plunging himself headlong through the one opening that may lead the way beyond the marauding band of federal agents? As the…