Yesterday as my correction notes, as I occasionally do, I confused a name and wrote out one in place of the other. It’s something that happens. I’d prefer that it not but it does especially when my editors are tired. It reminds me of the time when I was cross-examining a witness in an arson…
Trump, Comey, and The Russians Are Here
These are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman.” Thomas Paine 1776 We have a president who should be impeached. He is…
The Big Buffoon: A Bloody River Story
I’ve been trying to find the perfect adjective for our president. It came to me after reading a story about him and one of his golf courses. He epitomizes the word buffoon. One definition of it is a person who does silly things sometimes intentionally that makes people laugh. Another is a ridiculous but amusing…
Understanding Donald Trump: The Jamie Gorelick Influence
If ever there is a name that should scare you it is Jamie Gorelick. If you have never heard of her then you have not been paying attention to American politics over the last quarter of a century. Right now she is a lawyer with a big law firm in Washington, D.C. Not only that…
The Boston Children’s Theater Soon To Become The New Old Howard
Dare I say it. Times they are changing. How do I know it? Well at one time the Old Howard was prohibited from showing nudity during its routines. You know about banned in Boston. It was only a Boston thing though and in 1953 the Old Howard was closed when Rose la Rose, shown seated, was accused…
Understanding Donald Trump: Dealing With Kim, “A Smart Fortunate Cookie”
Abe suggested it would have been nice if Trump engaged in a malapropism and called Kim Jong-un a “smart fortune cookie.” Maybe, but Abe’s suggestion made me think he would have been better off calling him a “smart fortunate cookie.” Had Trump thought of it he would have recognized that was the most appropriate definition…