Aside from continually paraphrasing the Wicked Queen in Snow White whenever he has a chance to speak by shouting “people, people, listen all, I’m the greatest president of all,” D.Trump tells us he will keep us absolutely safe. We know this does not relate to the many killings by guns – did that dude who gunned…
By His Words You Shall Know Him: D.Trump Speaks
It was only a paper moon. I don’t suppose any of the D, Trump supporters remember the Great Recession. There is no reason for them to do so. Their world apparently began with the inauguration of D.Trump in January 2017. At least that is what D.Trump thinks. How do I know that? Well lets read…
Dumpty Trumpty Sat on a Wall: You Know the Rest
All the king’s horses and all the king’s men couldn’t put Trumpty together again. That ole tyme nursery rhyme is now much more understandable seeing the man perched on top of the wall at the present time. And by the way I do not refer to the Mexican wall. According to some like Charles Krauthammer…
We’re Going To Need A Wall on the Canadian Border!
Maybe most people are too young to remember the days of the Soviet Union and the fall of the Berlin Wall. The wall came down for all practical purposes on November 9, 1989, when the doors that separated East Berlin from the west were thrown open. That was almost 28 years ago so assuming some…
The Quixotic World of D. Trump
I suppose you have heard of D. Trump’s astounding victory in the electoral college. He even mentioned it during his press conference with his latest best friend Benji or is it Bibi. He again mentioned it yesterday. He said something to the effect that it was the most electoral college votes since Reagan. Of course…
Is Trump’s Escape a War or Terrorist Attack
It is becoming more and more clear that the Trump is in oodles of trouble. Could you ever have imagined the top intelligence adviser being caught in lies and being forced to resign within the first thirty days of an administration? I can only think of Tevye saying “unheard of!” Now the alleged reason he…