“But the angel said to him, “Do not be afraid, Zachary, for your petition has been heard and your wife Elizabeth shall bear you a son and you shall call him John.” Inquiring how the angel knew this, the angel said: “I am Gabriel, who stand in the presence of God and I have been sent to…
General James “Mad Hog” Mattis: A Typical Trump Appointment
As a Marine my initial impression was that Mad Hog was a good appointment as secretary of defense. I had read somewhere after it was first announced that he was not like the other generals who left service in retirement. He was substantially different. A bachelor and a scholar of military history. The article I…
The Unpresidented President-Elect, The Trump Card, and the Hunukkah Tree
Yes Dorothy, there is a word unpresidented. The Trump, who many gaze on with starry eyes to the extent that they now view America’s sworn enemy Vladimir Putin in a more favorable light than their own countrymen because Trump told them to do that, will expect them to correspond their thoughts with his thinking. They…
The New Think – America and Russia Are the Same
Trump is suggesting that there is little difference in values between America and Russia and those in his chorus have suddenly taken up his chant. Who do you think Ronald Reagan was referring to when he said: “If we lose freedom here, there is no place to escape to. This is the last stand on…
The Shadows of The Things That Will Happen In The Time Before Us
The words in the title those spoken by Scrooge to the Ghost of Christmas Yet To Come in Dickens’s A Christmas Carol. Can things get worse than they are now? I have to suggest yes, much worse. What we are seeing is the tip of the iceberg. Good people who usually acted in a normal…
Commission O’Brien Vindicated! The Federal Prosecutors Slammed. The Globe’s Gambit Exposed
You Can’t Say I Didn’t Tell You O’Brien Would Walk. It is sort of comforting to have called out the rogue prosecutors and those who inspired them and worked with them and be vindicated. Judge Young should have known better than to allow the case to go to the jury. No fair minded prosecutors would…