The goal Walsh must have is to ensure that Brissette sticks to the truth. He should not be talking about himself. He is quoted as saying: “The one thing I know is I’ve done no wrongdoing, in this investigation or any investigation that’s been talked about.” Why is he saying that? Who has accused him of anything? Even with…
Get Marty: Is the Mayor Doomed? Surrounded He Can Surrender or Smarten Up 2 of 3
Kelly did as he was requested. He did an investigation into the matter.Just doing that suggested there might be something to the nonsensical allegation in the indictment. This kept the matter in the public eye. The media were all over him trying to find out what he was doing. He kept his counsel. In December…
Get Marty: Is the Mayor Doomed? Surrounded He Can Surrender or Smarten Up 1 of 3
I really have no idea who is giving Mayor Martin Walsh advice. I mean in-house. Not that coming from the media outside. Whoever it is he should immediately stop lending them his ears and fall back on the instincts that put him in the mayor’s office in the first place. i am aware that his…
A Conversation With President Obama: Part 4 of 4
I asked: “Is that why you are reluctant to go to war then? You have more sympathy with people of color than other presidents have had?” “Perhaps,” he said. “I never thought of it in that way. I disliked going to war mainly because I did not want Americans to die in them. I never got used…
Get Marty: The Push for a New Mayor of Boston
Good job Mayor Walsh. You hire a former U.S. Attorney who worked in the office of Boston’s U.S.Attorney Ortiz to do an investigation of your office. He does and one of your aides ends up indicted. Hmmm! My main source notified me of the indictment of Kenneth Brissette (Kenny). I replied: “looks like they are…
A Conversation With President Obama: Part 3 of 4
Obama seemed quite relaxed. He was talking to someone in a way he probably rarely has a chance to do anymore. I imagined most of the time he has to be quite guarded in the words he says but with me he could say what he felt. He knew that my reach was very limited and…