The one thing those who set up this country, people who actually put their lives and wealth at risk, for after all a revolt against the king was treason punishable by a neck noose on a scaffold, was to insure that no king would govern our land. The idea that they came up with was…
Thoughts on The Murder of the Four Rabbis
The last two days I posted about the actions by supporters of Israel who hope to push America into war. I told how they plan to pay money to candidates on the condition they promise to be more aggressive against Iran. I’ve written how these money people have a long history of seeking to bring…
Bringing America To War: No Hiding the Footprints
The American Enterprise Institute (AEI), Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD), and the Israeli American Council (IAC) are beating the war drums. Each of these groups is composed of neo-cons. Each is funded by people interested foremost in Israel. They want war with Iran a country of 81 million people almost three times the size of…
American Blood For Sale; Buying An American War.
I’ve written in the past how I could not vote for Romney because he was in hock to Sheldon Adelson. I’ve noted how Adelson lusts for war with Iran. He suggested dropping nukes on it. Adelson at the same time has told us he regrets serving in the uniform of the U.S. and hopes his…
America The Sensitive: The Era of Trigger Warnings.
Trigger warnings in Academia and elsewhere are becoming de rigueur or put in another way : “the in-thing to do.” They are descendants from the Legion of Decency’s censoring of movies that began in the ‘30s protecting young and old from suggestive sexual material and violence. They are reflected in the Hollywood lettering system: G,…
An FBI Story: Told By A Gangster Named Flemmi: Part Three
Steve Flemmi had to come up with the tale of the meeting at the Miami Jai Alai fronton to get his deal to avoid the death penalty prosecution in Oklahoma and Florida. He had to get himself out of a jam by offering up FBI Agent Paul Rico. His story doesn’t work out when examined…