I was at one of those Emergency Care places a few weeks back having taken someone in there for something minor and easily correctable if done by a skilled medical person. Fortunately, the nurse there had the necessary skills, so the problem was quickly resolved but the person I was with got gabbing with the…
The South Will Rise Again: Trump Will Lead the Way
One thing that has rarely changed is the South has always viewed America differently than other parts of the country especially the Northeast and the states bordering the Great Lakes. My good friend E. H. has suggested to me that I read a couple of books – which are not available at the libraries because…
Up To Date Report on Covid-19 Numbers: May 15, 2020
We have 1 weeks and 2 days and we will, as Mike Pence said, “largely have this coronavirus epidemic behind us.” Trump having now gone the herd immunity approach is urging every state to give their people freedom. Some people in the United States have a warped idea of freedom. They believe it means they can…
Covid-19 Report: May 16, 2020: Positive Cases
I noted before that using the number of deaths as a statistic had its problems. That is the states could fool around with classifying the reason the person died. For instance, take Russia which has an abnormally low death rate compared with any other country in the world. We find out that they usually report…
Mighty Russia: No Wonder Trump Wants Us To Be Like It
Monday evening doing the statistics on the coronavirus I noticed that Italy was no longer among the top four countries for reported cases of Covid-19. The United States was first with 1,346,723 positive cases and 80,352 cases; Spain was in second place with 227,436 positive cases and 26,744 deaths; the UK was in third place…
Did Your Covid-19 Come From America? Is There Something That We’re Hiding?
One thing I’ve never been able to wrap my head around is why Trump and his administration, especially Pompeo, are pushing the idea that the Covid-19 virus originated in a Chinese laboratory. I thought it was pretty well settled that it came from Wuhan, China, so why not leave it there. It’s a virus from…