I’m moving on through my book about Whitey. I’ve been fooling around with the introduction to it. It runs about 2,000 words so those who have the time might want to read it. If you have any comments, corrections, or additions let me know. Introduction to The Great Whitey Myth Roger Wheeler left his country…
Good-bye Joe, me gotta go, me oh my oh: How Joe Biden Lost My Vote
Good-bye Joe, me gotta go, me oh my oh Me gotta go find another to vote aside you Oh my Joe you lost my vote , me oh my oh Son of a gun I’ll have big fun not voting for you… Joe did me in. The 76-year-old straw I clung to hoping to oust…
Gertner’s Deegan Decision Was Half Right Which Made It Half Wrong: This is The Wrong Part
When I wrote about the part where Gertner was correct I noted how Joe Barboza the FBI cooperating witness kept his friend Jimmy Flemmi who was part of the Teddy Deegan murder out of it. He substituted other people who were involved in the planning and at the scene instead. Various reasons have been offered…
My Mysterious Trip. A True Story of Intrigue
This is a true story. The names of the characters involved have not been changed to protect the innocent or guilty. I know the story is true because it happened to me. Of all days of the year it was on St. Patrick’s Day March 17, 2019, a Sunday. It was a warm Sunday morning and…
The Kavanizing Of Joe Biden: What Goes Around Comes Around
I believed Christine Blasey Ford when she testified that Brett M. Kavanaugh assaulted her in high school. I was skeptical about Kavanaugh’s denial. Maybe the booze dimmed his memory. If it was no more than juvenile high jinks it left no impression. Maybe not being a victim lends to forgetfulness. Reading over my prior posts…
“What the U.S. can learn from the fight against the Islamic State.” The Washington Post’s Wrong Conclusions.
The Washington Post editorial board on March 25, 2019, at 7:30 p.m. posted an opinion titled, “What the U.S. can learn from the fight against the Islamic State.” Unfortunately the lesson it tells us we should learn is all wrong. To cut to the core it is that the United States should not get into any…