I thought reading it: “no one raised an eyebrow when she said it but he was condemned by others for saying the same thing.” Of course what she was saying was what any sibling should say. You have a brother or sister and you have a special relationship with them that is different from you…
Happy New Year – Will It Be A Year To Remember!
2019 – keep in mind that 100 years ago in 1919 we had the year of the color. The color was red. There were the raids that rounded up many of the Reds; there was the red blood that flower on the streets during the many race riots. It was the year after the fighting…
Whitey Bulger’s Wrongful Death Action: Chasing Rainbow Bounties
Did you ever chase after a rainbow looking for a pot of gold? I’ve read that it is an Irish legend that leprechauns bury pots of gold at the end of the rainbow. I suppose if you believe in leprechauns then you might as well believe that would be the logical place to bury their…
Will The New Suffolk DA Rachel Rollins Terrorize Boston?
If you read the Boston Herald headlines you’d perhaps think that the new Boston DA was the reincarnation of the mythical Whitey Bulger who allegedly terrorized Boston even though almost all of its citizens never heard of him until long after he fled the city. Those headlines were: “National police group knocks incoming DA Rachael…
Annual College Football Playoff Predictions: 100% Accuracy
Finally the college football season nears its end with the playoff games about to take place. You know that they are part of the 39 bowl games this year. That means 78 teams go to bowls. That’s over two-thirds of the teams that play in the top division of college football. Some colleges claim great…
No Whites Need Apply! Is This America’s Future?
The Women’s March – you remember it? It was the day after Trump’s.inauguration. Marches took place throughout the country protesting his assuming that office. It was the largest march in American history when the total number of participants was tallied. It accomplished little other than to make those who were part of it feel a…