There was another thing. This one is the thing that first got me interested in this case. It is the FBI investigation and Federal prosecution of MA State trooper John Naimovich. The FBI investigation was done by the group in the Boston FBI office where Connolly was assigned. It was headed by a supervisor James…
FBI Agent John Connolly’s Inexplicable Actions: How To Figure Them Out? 3/5
Kevin Weeks told of a couple of meetings with Connolly when he was with the FBI in 1978 and 1984. They were no more than greeting each other and had no substance to them. He said in 1996 Flemmi who was in the Plymouth jail gave him a number and told him to reach out…
FBI Agent John Connolly’s Inexplicable Actions: How To Figure Them Out? 2/5
You all know Steve Flemmi. He is the worst person who ever walked the streets of Boston. Truly, he is even worse than even John Martorano by many degrees. He murdered his girlfriend of many years because she tired of him; he murdered the daughter who called him Dad after she fell apart because he…
FBI Agent John Connolly’s Inexplicable Actions: How To Figure Them Out? 1/5
John Connolly the retired FBI agent who is in prison in Florida according to Whitey Bulger cannot accept that he is going to die in prison. It is hard to tell how Whitey feels about this. He presently has intense dislike for Connolly because of one thing. Connolly set up an informant file on him…
Kevin Weeks Thought Whitey Was An Informant: Was He Fooled by Agent Connolly’s Skullduggery ?
Kevin Weeks was Whitey’s sidekick and strong-arm man. He wrote a book Brutal that was published in 2006. Knowing that year is important. First, it is during the time when the Whitey Myth was nearing its height. People were rushing to take advantage of any connection that they had with him. Second, Whitey had been on…
The Boston Schools Becoming Resegregated: Is It Surprising – The Solution 1/2
Some black parents came up with a solution for avoiding the poor education in the schools their children would have been sent to by opting to send their children into the METCO program. That program made arrangements with schools outside of the city who would be willing to accept some black students from the city….