Today, Tuesday, November 8, 2016, is the day the deplorables discover Donald didn’t have the support to defeat Dame Hillary. Was Hillary right in suggesting Donald’s supporters were in a basket because they were supporting a basket case? What is clear is one thing that the strong victory by Hillary could only have been achieved…
Did Asian Hitmen Murder FBI Agent Brown?
The Denver Guardian reported that the FBI agent Michael Brown, 42, investigating the Clinton emails killed himself, burned down his house, killed his wife, Susan, 33, but save his beagle dog, Dixie. Wow! Speculation has it that the Clintons were at work again making sure everyone kept their mouths shut. Leaks from the FBI seem…
The FBI at Work: The Muslim Exception: Kill A Husband: Indict the Wife for Lying
Maybe this is called the Muslim exception in the American justice system. To suggest it is outrageous is to grossly understate what is going on with the FBI. Recall the case of Ibragim Todashev. He was the Muslim who was a friend of Tamerlan Tsarnaev. He was killed in an Orlando apartment by “an FBI agent…
F.B.I. – Agents Acting Adversely Against America’s Advantage
America’s advantage in the world was the perception that it was a country where things were done right. We were the City on the Hill that all could look to for an example on how a government should operate. We had a presidential election every four years and there was the peaceful exchange of leaders….
One Boston Public School At A Time: A Better Way
We saw the controversy over Boston Latin School which basically came down the idea that there were not enough blacks at that high performing school. There was no deliberate segregation of blacks, or for that matter Latinos. It was just they do not have the scores to compete with the Asian and white kids. Oh,…
Charles Krauthammer on Donald Trump:
Charles Krauthammer on Donald Trump: “We are entering a period of unprecedented threat to the international order that has prevailed under American leadership since 1945. After eight years of President Obama’s retreat, the three major revisionist powers — Russia, China and Iran — see their chance to achieve regional dominance and diminish, if not expel,…